Hi Ladies - I was wondering if anyone might share their routines with their toddlers who are about 18 months? I'm currently struggling a little with Activity time for my little one. He's a very active toddler and I'm not sure what entirely to do with him during the day, and frankly I'm starting to rely on tv (I know, I feel awful and I'm not happy with myself) too much to distract him while I try to get things done. Also - at what age can I have a little more structure to our day and say have music time, reading time, craft time, etc? Please note, I'm not saying we don't read. We do. ..a lot but it's more a fly by reading of a book here our there.
His day looks like something like this:
6:45 - up for the day
7:00 -7:30 - has milk and cheerios on my lap while the tv is on
7:30 - 8:15 - will play with his toys and me (tv is still on but he's not really watching it)
8:15 - Breakfast
9:00 - Get ready for the day
9:45 - Go out for the morning; this could be to the library, gym class, grocery shopping, mom's club activity
11:30 - Lunch
12:15 - Get ready for nap
12:30 -2:30 - nap ( is still somewhat hit or miss)
2:30 - walk, play outside, attempts at crafts (crafts usually don't go very well because he still puts everything in his
3:30 - snack
4:00 - this is usually when I break down and put the tv on for 30 minutes or so.
5:00 - me attempting to make dinner while lo begs me to pick him up.
6:00 - Dh hopefully gets home and we eat dinner. Hurray!
6:45 - bedtime routine
7:15 - In bed and asleep within minutes
Thanks in advance, I'm just finding lo especially demanding lately and I'm struggling to make it through our days!