Thanks, Katherine! We will try treating future EWs as night feedings and see if that helps.
DO gave us a surprising 8 hours last night! After posting, she continued screaming until 9:30, at which point I fed her, changed her, swaddled her, and left her in her crib while I went to grab something. Before I went back in, DR stopped me because she was not fidgeting or fussing. Sure enough, she dropped off to sleep!
Today, however, has been one short nap and fighting sleep. We try to be mindful of A times send start winding down at first sleep cue, but she won't fall asleep without a fight. I tried leaving her to settle on her own for the last nap and am currently am holding an OK sleeping baby who keeps jolting awake when I put her down (tried 5 or 6 times!) Figure I'm going to APOP so she can catch up on sleep and try again next time, what do you think?
Btw, her A before sleeping in my arms was 2 hrs 24 min. There was just no settling her!