I am looking for some help identifying what my DS might be sensitive/intolerant/allergice to.
I EBF DS and he is 3.5 months old, and has definitely been identified as having MSPI. However, after several weeks of cutting ALL dairy and soy (including hidden stuff like natural flavoring, soy lecithin, and soy oil) he STILL has symptoms (runny stool, mucousy stool, painful gas). I'm trying to figure out if there is another food I should be cutting out, or if I might just be missing a hidden ingredient somewhere. Below is my log for the last week or so, along with relevant family allergy history. I would appreciate any insight, as this is all very new terrain for me. Thank you for any help you can offer.
Family history:
Father - allergic to beef, chocolate, LOTS of environmental allergies
Mother (me) - allergic to pork as a child (grew out of it); also dairy intolerant as a baby (grew out of it)
Grandmother - allergic to pork, gluten intolerant
Aunt (my sister) - allergic to pork
Food log and baby's symptoms:
Breakfast: eggs, spinach, pita bread (no dairy or soy additives)
Lunch: Salmon, asparagus, cauliflower, apple, banana, banana/oatmeal cookies with dark chocolate (no dairy or soy additives)
Dinner: Hamburger (no egg), rice, spinach, chicken, canned vegetables (at my parents' house - don't know if there were additives or not), dark chocolate (no soy/dairy)
Baby - no poop
B: eggs, avocado, banana, pita
L: groundbeef, cauliflower, asparagus, banana
D: rice chex, steak, rice/groundbeef/chicken with spices (from my parents - don't know about additives), spinach, apple, chocolate
Baby - no poop
B: egg, pita, apple
L: potato, ground beef, banana
D: hamburger (at a friends' - don't know about additives), fruit salad (no additives), tortilla chips (no soy/dairy), lettuce
Baby - no poop for 4th straight day; was in a lot of gastric pain so pediatrician advised a suppository, which we gave at 2:30 am on the 26; this helped immensely
B: eggs, spinach, bacon (natural flavor - celery seed), banana
L: ground beef, rice, tomato
D: steak, asparagus, apple, rice chex, rice milk, avocado, sliced ham (no dairy/soy additives)
Baby - see 4/25
B: rice chex, rice milk, banana
L: rice/chicken/ground beef and spices (from family - don't know about additives), sliced ham (no dairy/soy additives), canned vegetables (from family - don't know about additives)
D: pork roast, frozen vegetables, sweet potato, brown sugar
Baby - 8:30 - normal stool, but mucousy; 4:10 - normal stool, but mucousy
B: eggs, avocado, banana
L: spinach, olives, tomato, sliced ham, apple, carrots
D: apple, onion, broccoli, rice chex, rice milk, banana, meatloaf (made with eggs, ground beef, spinach, and spices)
Baby - 2:30 - normal stool; 5:40 - runny, mucousy stool

B: egg, banana, rice chex, rice milk
L: lettuce, sliced turkey (at a friend's - don't know about additives), carrots, parsnips, watermelon, meatloaf (see above)
Baby - mucousy, but not runny stool; LOTS of PAINFUL gas