Author Topic: No More Portion Distortion  (Read 18940 times)

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No More Portion Distortion
« on: December 14, 2004, 05:06:33 am »
from Prevention magazine, September 2003
We're overdoing it with food and it shows.  Our children are heavier than ever.  the good news: You can help your kids avoid extra points WITHOUT nagging.
How?  First, drop out of the "clean plate club." Avoiding food waste is admirable, but telling kids to eat every bite sends the wrong message.  Then, help your child stay tuned to her natural "I'm satisfied, time to stop eating" signals.  Serve smaller portions; she can always ask for seconds if she's really hungry.
Eating just 100 extra calories daily from ANY food can add up to 10 pounds in a single year.

100% Juice
Typical Portion 8-12 oz
More like it: 4-6 oz/day (0ver age 1)
Chicken Nuggets
Typical Portion 4 pieces (4-5 ozs)
More like it: 2 or 3 pieces (2-3 ozs)
French Fries
Typical Portion 20-30
More like it: 10
Ice Cream
Typical Portion 1 1/2 cups
More like it: 1/2 cup
Mac 'n Cheese
Typical Portion 1 1/2 cups
More like it: 1 cup
Cheese Pizza
Typical Portion 2 or 3 slices
More like it: 1 slice

Fruit - 2 suggested servings/day - sample serving size is 1 medium piece; 1/2 cup fruit salad
Vegetables - 3 suggested servings/day - sample serving size is 7 or 8 raw baby carrots; 5 cherry tomatoes; 1/2 cup cooked peas, winter squash or green beans
Grains - 6 suggested servings/day - sample serving size is 1/2 cup cereal; 1 slice whole grain bread
Milk - 2 or 3 suggested servings/day - sample serving size is 8 oz milk or yogurt; 1 1/2 oz hard cheese.

I also wanted to add that this months December/January 2005 Parenting Magazine has a great pullout that on one side has the good food house for moms and the other side has the good food guide for kids.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 11:38:29 am by amayzie »