Our LO is 3 weeks old, since day 7 we've been expressing and giving her a bottle for her dream feed (between 10-11pm), firstly to help we get used to bottle and breast and secondly to give me a chance to have an unbroken sleep for 4-5 hours.
It's worked a treat for our other 3 kids before her, but this little one is struggling. Although we have other problems with wind, we're finding that after this feed (whether he takes it in her sleep or is awakened for it), she can scream and cry the full 2.5-3 hours till her next feed. (It's the only feed she won't settled afterwards).
She is fully burped after the DF, and generally doesn't seem to have a problem with taking the bottle (no excess air swallowing or trouble feeding from the bottle).
I'm wondering if we're 1) doing it right?, 2) doing it too late at night?
Does anyone have experience with this and can offer some suggestions as to what we can try? Next solution for us is dropping the bottle feed altogether and just let her wake up when she's next ready to have a breastfeeds?