Thank you so much for your help
I always forget to add this when posting my EASY but I do do a top off feed around 2h 30-40m A.
I guess I really need help with figuring out proper A times. When extending her A to 3.15, you said to cut one nap short, would I cut the A time following the shortened nap also, or keep 3.15 A throughout the day?
Yesterdays EASY
WU 820
E 830
A 820-1120/3h
E 1047
S 1120-1256/1h 36m
E 121
A 1256-407/3h 11m
E 340
S 407-517/1h 10m
E 531
A 517-905/4h
S 905
She cut her pm nap yesterday at 1h10m so I tried to put her down for BT at around 2.30 A but she didn't fall asleep until 9:05, around 4h A. I read that when naps are short, to cut the A time back 30m but I'm not sure at what point to consider it a full nap and have her do her full A.
Today, she just woke up from a short am nap
and I'm not sure what her A should be
WU 835
E 843
A 835-1139/3h 4m
E 1057
S 1139-1231/52m
E 1251
A 1231-
I should mention that she might have a cold..her nose is runny but I know babies get runny noses from teething also (she has no teeth and nothing seems to coming through). It kind of why her A times are fluctuating between 3h and 3.15. Is it possible to continue figuring out her naps if she has a cold or is it best to wait? I've never had a sick baby, my 3.5 y/o DS was a healthy baby but now he's bringing snotty fun into the house