Good question Laura, but it's so messy I don't know how to answer it
These last 2 days they've been waking an hour apart from eachother (in the morning) I should probably wake the sleepig one but just don't have the heart!! So I want gem to be on 2 naps but can't really figure out the a times, but overall it's sthg like
Wu 7, bottle unless they had a nf around 5/6
8:30 breakfast
9:30 nap (dd will often do 1.5 hr but then sometimes 45min, ds often 45 min sometimes 1.5hr
Bottle at wake up
12 lunch
This nap is hard to say, depends on their first one so could be 1, 1:30, 2...
If they wake before 3 I try for a 3rd nap soon after
Bottle at wake up
6:30 bottle, in bed by 7 generally