10 hours Laura!! that's amazing! You must feel like a new person!

Love the kissing

I'm looking forward to when they'll be aware of eachother, they seem completely oblivious to one another right now.
these guys sometimes settle all by themselves but often need to be held a fair bit otherwise they'll just lie there, not necessarily fussing but fidgeting around without going to sleep... DS2 will often fall asleep with his paci-especially if I put him on his front...yes I know....but DS1 was a tummy sleeper too and he has good control of his neck, and I only do it at nap time for now.
I tried sh-pat with DD2 today (after snuggling for a bit etc), seemed to work the first time, 2nd time it seemed like she just wanted me to shut up and leave her alone

They are kind of sleeping everywhere right now, sometimes in our room sometimes in the living room, bed, moses basket, sofa...we're more relaxed about talking loudly, light etc during the day.
just a bit of back rubbing for them to sleep would be lovely! so was that in the cot, so you had them on their sides?
Also love the idea of them sleeping back to back

these guys squirm a lot though, worth a try.
The kids and I are going to be at my parents for the month of July, I was telling my mom that it would be great if we could figure out the sleep training by then, doing it all by myself seems daunting and impossible. You guys are all amazing braving everything alone it seems-I feel rather pathetic

I think soon we're going to try doing the 1-2 o'clock feed with just bottles, so without any BF so I don't have to get up. I know it's not ideal for my supply but it's so I can get a decent stretch of sleep.. Still pumping a dew times a day.