Routine I can't help with....but feeding yes!!!!
Z had a shallow latch (ouch!!) and I used to either do a "nipple sandwich" and squash it between my fingers so she could get more in, or a "nipple flipple"....hold nipple between thumb on top and index finger underneath. When baby opens aim nipple to top of his mouth and use your forefinger to gently push his chin down to help him open a bit wider. Then let go with thumb and let the nipple flip into his mouth. Really hard to describe but really, really works!
Tandem feeding tough on your own at that age. I used to do it sitting on the floor with lots of cushions so they didn't have far to fall. Latch better feeder first then you can mess around with bad feeder as much as you like. I used to put them into bouncers afterwards then burp one at a time, the colicky one first! But it got much easier as they got bigger.
I had 2 baby bjorn bouncers and they were brilliant - one in bouncer while other feeding etc. Easy to bounce with a foot, wash easily, etc. When I was on my own in the early days I would feed burp bounce to sleep then repeat with other twin, etc, etc. I demand fed until about 12 weeks I think....It was tough but my supply was always awesome, I never had to pump and my babies grew brilliantly. So it does have advantages!
Can't help with was so hot when the girls were born I was terrified they would overheat, then when it wasn't they went mental when I tried it, so no use there either! But feeding, bouncy chairs and moral support I can do!!