Author Topic: What's going on with my 13 months old?  (Read 11042 times)

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #105 on: June 21, 2014, 09:11:47 am »
thanks Sara, I thought that was more common.

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #106 on: June 21, 2014, 09:24:51 am »
I think it's quite common for Los over 12 mths to do a more balanced day though 5 hrs A each side of a 2 hr nap yk? But certainly do what works best for your lo (if you can figure her out - they can be tough sometimes can't they!) :-*

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #107 on: June 21, 2014, 09:36:40 am »
Agrrrr tell me about it!

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #108 on: June 21, 2014, 09:48:19 am »
Have you even used w2s for naps? We keep having 1hr10m naps and I'm not sure if I should try it and at what time, thanks

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #109 on: June 21, 2014, 20:23:05 pm »
1hr10 naps are ut in our house :-/ or teething discomfort or developmental. Not sure if w2s would wk but have you tried resettling with some apop?

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #110 on: June 22, 2014, 02:49:33 am »
Yes I tried but she doesn't resettle at ALL  :-\ Hm UT? But how do you know if it's OT or UT? DD gets really tired way earlier then her set nap and by the time it's time for a nap she gets hyper and I think very OT. Yesterday was the first time after 2 weeks of set nap/BT I gave her a very early nap at 9:00am(that's when she starts rubbing her eyes and looking like a mess) instead of 10:30am set time and she napped for 1hr20m. She did have 2hr nap few times at the be beginning of set nap/BT but now it's been consistently 1hr10m so I thought she was so OT that she can't have a longer nap.

Sorry now I'm confused. I was sure she is OT.

P.S. Today I moved her nap from 10:30 to 10:45 and she napped for 1.5hrs but WU more tired and upset then after 1hr10m nap.  Is this also UT nap? Should I push her nap even later or keep it at 10:45?

The nights are getting bad as well. She WU crying in the early night but resettles right away, then around 11:30/12:30 she is up for 1.5-2hrs just laying, tossing and pulling her hair and trying to resettle. She doesn't cry at all just stairs in one spot and then closes her eyes and tries to sleep but when she can't she let's out a short cry like she is upset that she can't sleep. These lengthy WUs make her nights 8:30/9hrs long :o

Thank you again!!! :)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 03:26:52 am by AMJ »

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #111 on: June 23, 2014, 19:07:53 pm »
Hey Hun, I haven't forgotten about you, just thinking ;)

Looking back at the start of your thread she was doing a much longer A time and was ok...which makes me think this is developmental :-\ is she independently sleeping ATM?

Can you post the last two days in EAS

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #112 on: June 24, 2014, 03:37:15 am »
Thanks Sara. Yes she was doing 6 hr morning A but then started to get OT and falling asleep in her high chair at 4.5hrs so I was thinking maybe I pushed her too far.

She is a very independent sleeper. She will settle down/resettle better if I'm not in the room. Sorry I'm not sure what ATM means

Here are our last two days

June 21

BT 6:05

June 22

4:45 WU A(6hrs)
5:45 out of the crib
6:05 E bm
6:30 E breakfast
8:15 E snack
9:45 E lunch
10:30 crib
10:43 S(1.5hrs) almost WU few times

12:15 WU crying and wasn't too happy A(5hrs53m)
1:30 E snack
4:15 E dinner
5:10 E bm
5:30 crib
6:07 BT

12:35 WU
2:20 ish S (the longest awake time at night so far)

June 23

4:38 ish WU was quiet so I'm not sure maybe she WU earlier A(5hrs50)
5:30 I went in and bf by rocking in a chair but she is wide awake
5:45 out of the crib
6:30 E breakfast
8:00 E snack
9:45 E lunch
10:15 crib
10:27 S(40+25+30m)
11:09 WU crying
11:15 ish S
11:20 crying again
11:28 ish S
11:55 WU
12:00 ish S

12:30 WU A(5hrs20m)
1:00 E snack
4:15 E dinner
5:10 E bm
5:30 crib
5:50 BT

June 24

3:57 starts to move around
4:18 WU

Thank you so much for your support!

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #113 on: June 24, 2014, 08:22:34 am »
I think the nap is just too early hun :-\ it's reinforcing the EW.....

Do you think she would take a second nap as a one off to push that bt later?
If not, I think we need to shift the day, she isn't catching up and sleeping later is she? She keeps waking early.....

I would take all A times from when you want to start the day ie 6am.
I would also not allow her to nap before 11.

I'm going to ask for some more eyes too x

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #114 on: June 24, 2014, 08:28:46 am »
No she won't take the second nap I tried and tried.

And no she is not waking later. The latest we had was 4:45am.

We are flying to Canada tomorrow so I would have to  start from scratch and help her  get adjusted to the new time (it's. 6 hrs back )I'm hoping that this trip is going to be my chance to get out of 4/5am WUs.  So do you think I should aim for something like 6/6:15 hrs of morning A(but still do the set nap/BT) so something like this
WU 8:00 am
S 2:00 PM - 4:00 or later
BT 9:00 PM

Or do you think even longer morning A/later nap?
Thank you!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 08:37:08 am by AMJ »

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #115 on: June 24, 2014, 08:38:12 am »
A flight might be just what you need to rejig her sleep times. Try and see t as a positive. I've seen from your other thread that she doesn't sleep well on flights so by the time you arrive she'll likely be so tired that she'll crash and sleep whenever you need her to to get in sync with the new time.

If not, you'll just have to get back on track once you're back.

I do are with Sara though, if she's consistently refusing a second nap, you'll just have to push that first nap later and the EWs should improve with that.
~ Naomi ~

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #116 on: June 24, 2014, 08:40:06 am »
You might find the time change does work in her favour ;) I know sometimes DLS actually fixes my kids problems ::)

I think 5-5.5 hrs first A is fine, but just not from a 4.30 WU :-\ some Los catch up with EBT and you can push their As gently and the EW follows later??? but I don't know if this is working for her which is why I'm asking for more eyes to help you

Posted with bb x

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #117 on: June 24, 2014, 08:47:56 am »
Naomi yes I am hoping for that exactly. We are not getting back till October and we are traveling some more through Canada this summer so I hope the poor thing will be able to catch up..

Sara, you mentioned before that 1hr10m is an UT nap and I think it's the same for us. I've noticed that when her morning A is about 5hr-5hr45 (if her night is at least 10.5hrs) then her nap is that short and she doesn't resettle. In the last 2 days her morning A was closer to 6hrs and her nap was 1hr 30/40m long. She was waking few times during her nap but she was able to resettle on her own. Today her morning A was 6hr10m so we will see how it goes.

Thank you so much ladies! I really appreciate you help

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #118 on: June 24, 2014, 08:55:18 am »
The other thing to think about is keeping the A time consistent for a week so her body gets used to napping after a certain period. OR doing set nap time so she gets used to napping at a specific time of day.

1hr10 min naps are also often teething discomfort here. Maybe you could see if she has any teeth coming? X

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Re: What's going on with my 13 months old?
« Reply #119 on: June 24, 2014, 09:36:22 am »
Her teeth are popping out like weeds. She is almost done with her 1st molars and few days ago her first canine erupted. I was hoping we were going to get a break but I gues not. I give her meds before each nap so that shouldn't be the reason I think.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 09:49:06 am by AMJ »