Hi Katherine.
Her mood is a bit better now compared to the first couple of days. She is a bit happier but still tired looking, constantly pulling her hair, clumsy, and gets very upset at smallest things. She is not herself. I see that she is really struggling before the nap(starts to rub her eyes at. 9am or before and after just gets overly hyper) and she is really struggling. before bed
The morning WUs re awful . She starts moving around at 3:50am (10hr mark, and yesterday it was 3:30 ish)but if she is able to resettle then it's till 4/4:30am but this last half hr is not a good sleep. She is tossing and turning non stop. The earliest WU so far was 4am. We tried w2s previously and it worked better when she was smaller. Closer to when she turned 1 w2s stopped working because she started to either completely wake up when I w2s her and then being upset and awake for a long time and eventually falling asleep just for a short time ( if I remember correctly) or she would wake on her own around the time I would w2s her so it became a habitual WU. Do you think I should try to w2s again?
I haven't tried giving her milk at the time she WU to resettle her because it didn't get her back to sleep before. I always used to bf her when she would wake early just to rule out hunger but she wouldn't fall back asleep. After working with a sleep consultant she told me to not feed her at that hour and actually offer her first bf 15m after I get her up and not in her room to disconnect feeding from sleeping. So we did that but early WU never stopped.
I did try to APOP by holding her, cuddling her etc but she just gets restless and what's to get going. She is usually ok staying in her crib for about 1hr but after she starts to get upset and honestly I don't blame her, I understand her cause I wouldn't be able to stay in a dark for so long.
We are flying back to Canada on the 25th of June and I would have to start all over once we are there. What do you think I should do? Stick with the same times until then? And what about once we get there? I feel that whatever I'm doing now is just for nothing since it all will need to change with the time change.
I'm thinking to have her BT at 9pm(I know it's late but I'm just so tired of EWUs) once we are there and hopefully WU at 8am(7am the earliest). What time would you recommend setting her nap at then? And how do I get her on the new time zone and how do I help her catch up on her sleep once we arrive since she is refusing a second nap?
Sorry for so many questions but I'm already stressing out about this trip and Dds sleep.
I hope you are getting some sleep considering you have a newborn!
P.S. Today she napped for 1hr10m again