So I have a DS who is 3 and a DD who is 3 months. Baby doing great and STTN mostly. DS started EWs a few months ago. (Before DD was born).
We thought it was probably time to drop the nap, so we started cutting it and had some experiments with NNDs. BT got easier but the EWs continued. We even got NWs for the first time in ages.
Thought it might be a ST issue as we had been staying with him to fall asleep after baby was born, but that's fixed pretty much now and still EWs as.
EWs can be any thing from 4:30-6am (6 is a a good day!). Naps are inconsistent as he sometimes refuses them, sometimes is OT and sometimes UT. Generally they are around 12:30/1:30 for an hour max. We wake him after an hour/45 mins. Lately the naps are getting a bit later, like 1:30-2:30. We tried pushing BT back and tried keeping it the same...
BT has been consistently around 7:30 and he is usually asleep by 8 and usually tired. We have tried early BTS and later ones, but we just end up with the same EWs.
He is clearly tired when he wakes up that early and does not make much fuss with naps when he has an EW.
We have tried giving him a drink of milk by his bed in.case he is thirsty/hungry, we have a gro clock that doesn't seem to make any difference, we have started giving him supper before bed in case of hunger, he sleeps in a fleece onesie in case of cold, we tuck him in tight, he has multiple loveys, he has a reward chart, etc. I feel like I have tried everything, but there must be an answer to this!!! We cannot sustain this level of tiredness for the whole family and I want to move baby into his room soon, but not if he will wake her at the that time!!
So, ANY drastic suggestions welcome. Any wisdom sought!
Also, how long should I try tweaks in the routine consistently before trying something else? maybe we have been chopping and changing too much...
PS he has always been a somewhat EWer. I am not expecting 7:30 WUs although that would be lovely. Even 6am is acceptable in this house. His groclock is set at 6:30 because when I was at work that's when we were getting up.
PPS he is not fully potty trained... He still wears a nappy at night and refuses poos on the loo. He usually does have a bowel move,to early morning, but usually once he is already awake. My fear is that this is a reason for the EWs, but I want to try what I can before just giving in for now!