I personally think that the way to be followed is the one that makes your child happy. So, if he has a short night but he is happy, it means that he slept enough. Also, this makes time together enjoyable. If my ds is rested enough, he can play alone happily while I do chores, so I do not miss me time so much, while if he is grumpy and I have to deal with constant meltdowns even a short day becomes long for me... So, the best way to judge if a routine is good or not, according to me, is to look at the behavior of the kid, not at the clock and at the number of hours slept. Anyway, 10 h is not so short night after all - an ew can be defined early if it occurs earlier than 10 h after bt. Another important thing that tells you if your child is rested (at least with DS is like this) is looking at whether he sttn or not.