It's not going so well. Nw sorted, but now EW again. I have extended her First A to 3h45, 4h, which resulted to her sleeping until 6-6:30 for maybe 4 days, but now we are back to the ginning. Her naps are all over the place again, sometimes she will sleep for 1 h sometimes for 40 min, sometimes 30 min. the same with second nap, it's not consistent at all.
4:45 wu 5:15 out of bed ( crying for half hour but I couldn't get up)
9:00 s
9:30 a
1:15 s
1:45 a
6:15 bt
5:15 wu 5:30 out of bed
9:20 s
10:00 a
13:30 s
14:10 a
18:30 bt
Woke up today at 5:10?