Hello everyone,
(I apologise for how long this post ended up being).
I have a question in regards to set naps. My DS is a spirited 15 month year old. He has been primarily on 1 nap for a month but some days I have to do 2. During the day he can't self settle but he can at night. I go by his A time to the minute as his sleep window is very small, he has a high needs for sleep but of course never wants to sleep. His usual day looks like this (sometimes he sleeps for 13hrs at night but I do see him moving around a lot at 11PM for at least an hr or so before I cant watch any longer and fall asleep):
WU 07:30
A 5hr (just reached 5hr-ish A time today)
S 12:30 - 14:00 (1hr30m but may be between 30m-2hr30m)
A 5hr30m (he got use to long A times before bed from the 2-1 transition, EBT still had long A times)
BT 19:30 (I try keep his bedtime at around 19:30 unless he has had a late nap)
Since he has been taking his nap around the middle of the day, even though I do follow his A time very strictly, I wonder if he has gotten use to it and I no longer need to go by his A time, but instead stick to a scheduled nap? The reason why I ask is because this week when he woke early I put him to bed earlier but he didnt sleep well, but on the Thursday, even though he woke early, I put him to bed closer to his usual time and he slept better, details below.
On Monday (19/05/14) I got his A time wrong (or he's going through something, learning to talk maybe, his front tooth cut last week but he slept great through that) and only got a 20m nap all day. After a short nap I never know what A time he needs but usually close to a full A time works (is there a guideline to A times after short naps). His day looked like this:
MON (19/05/14)
WU 08:15 (I think it was earlier because I wasn't watching the monitor)
A 4hr50m + 25m it took to settle him
S 13:30 - 13:50 (20m)
A 3hr15m
S failed
A 5hr20m
BT 19:10
NW 19:35 (let him self settle)
S 20:45
TUE 20/05/14
WU 05:20 (moved around slept on off)
WU 06:30 (got up)
A 4hr50m
S 11:15 - 11:50 (35m)
A 4hr20m
S 16:10-16:30 (20m)
A 3hr45m
BT 20:15 (he self settled took 20m)
WED 21/05/14 (turned 15 months today)
WU 06:30
A 5hr (I was running late to get home)
S 11:30 - 12:10 (40m)
A 3hr55m
S failed
A 6hr30m
BT 18:40
THU 22/05/15
WU 05:30 (woke to find him rolling around and then I fell asleep)
WU 06:30 (I woke again to find him still rolling so I got up and watched the monitor)
WU 08:30 (for 2hrs I watched him roll then he finally sat up and cried out to me)
A no idea
S 11:30 (I was at doc so my dad tried to put him to sleep for the first time but it didn't work)
S 12:30 - 13:45 (1hr15m, I got home and put him to bed, he's very difficult to put to sleep)
A 5hr45m
BT 19:30
FRI 23/05/14 (Today)
WU 07:25
A 4hr55m
S 12:20 - 13:50 (1hr30m)
A 6hr10m (longer than I wanted but had to pick up husband from work)
BT 19:55
If set naps is the way to go, do I set his bedtime as well, regardless of what time he wakes from his nap? Its usually 7:30 but im hoping for his naps to get longer and therefore his A time before BT will get smaller.
If he had a bad night and I let him sleep in, or if he decides to sleep in himself, does that mean I still do his set nap time and BT or do I push his nap later and therefore have a later BT? Or do I wake him up so that his A time is at least 5hrs to meet the scheduled nap?
If naps are set, how do I know when he needs a push in awake time? or do they stay consistent until they drop the nap? What is the avg A time for a 15mo?
If he sleeps longer than usual for his nap and pushes his bedtime later do I just put him down at the same time or wake him up to make bedtime at his usual time? I would like his nap to be at least 2hrs so it might mean shorter A time before BT.
Does scheduled naps mean I should always wake him at the same time every morning? He usu wakes at 7:30 give or take an hour.
Again I'm so sorry for this crazy long post!!!
Thanks everyone!!