Just popping in, I know how frustrated you must be Aishi
. ((Hugs))
I think I'd agree with Hena - try very gently pushing the morning A, even 5-10 mins at a time. If the short nap happens so be it - use EBT. If she doesn't fall asleep there isn't a whole lot you can do though.....if it makes you feel better J has NWs more nights than not at the moment, not long ones but they do happen. I don't think every LO at this age sleeps perfectly through the night every night.
Do you know her sleep needs (approx) in 24h? E.g. If you know she normally needs about 13h in 24, put her down for bed at just before 11h total A time. Might work? Is there any chance you could be thinking she needs more sleep than she actually does now and are getting into OT troubles from UT?
If pushing morning A doesn't work, then I don't really see what other option you have than very slowly nap capping? 10 mins off at a time, keep same BT?
Or, just thinking about it, maybe keep long nap (uncapped if you have to) and then do a really long day and late BT? I think Naomi (Buttonbobs) LO has been doing a late 2h nap and really late BT interspersed with some NNDs and earlier BT. Also seem to think Creations LO did very long days with a longer nap and short nights as nap capping didn't suit?
Sorry, a bit jumbled, but I think what I'm saying is the options are:
- push nap later
- push BT later
- cap nap
- set times and just accept the OT and variability (know you're not keen on this though)
Can you think of any alternatives?