Hi there wonderful insightful mamas!
I've read this and almost had tears in my eyes, I'm so happy I found this! I'm deliriously tired - going on 6 weeks of ~3 hour max stretches of sleep. Apologies if this is long or nonsensical.
I've read a few (limited myself to 3) baby books and way too much online and I loved Tracy's book the best. Such a beautiful blend and very respectful of these precious babies. Any advice I actually use with success has come from her book I've realized.
So I'm back to it.
I just took the quiz and I have a definite Spirited! baby with a touch of touchy, but I may have to attribute that to her reflux
We're trying to correct the AP as her reflux is controlled by meds and diet now. Getting much better.
We have a great BT routine that's worked since week 3. Very consistent. Dark, cool room with white noise. She's swaddle weaned three weeks ago and pacifier weaned just the last two days.
ok, clearly we've done a lot - maybe too much - poor girl!
Lots of extra cuddles for sleep, sleeping on us in her room.
Pacifier to sleep (bad, very bad, was good, now horrible).
Night nursing on demand - month 5 growth spurt from hell - extremely physical, trying to walk before crawling! ugh.
Ah spirited baby girl
Since month 5 she's up every other hour - or now with PU.PD once or twice a night (just started 2 nights ago) - for an hour and a half with a ton of crying
Terrible for her and her reflux and everything.
I think that's it - timing. She's grown and we didn't adjust. We just watched the clock and kept it at the same routine from 4 months to 6.5 months.
She's hilarious. Super happy even after crappy 20 minute naps and tons of crying! Laughing once we're out of the room!
We're focusing on the schedule now. I think that's the key.
The problem is that she gives us zero signs she's tired until we're at the cranky, hard eye rubbing, crying.
Sometimes there's a yawn - we head straight into her room!
So we're clock watchers. at 2 hours, we stop everything and wind down.
I just looked at the A time table and maybe she's not up enough for 6.5-7 months?
She's almost 7 months old (next week), is that the right idea? She goes from sleepy to OT in a second and then catches the second wind - quickly! It's crazy!
Since we got rid of the paci two days ago it's not coming back and she's absolutely inconsolable once you miss her window - which seems to be almost every time!
She's a terrible back archer and flailer and crier. It's horrible. I'm not sure how much more my back can take either from holding her ~30 times a night
At this point I don't know if she's UT or OT?
Any advice appreciated. We will continue to find that elusive window...