Author Topic: Breastfed baby refusing bottles - weaning  (Read 1908 times)

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Breastfed baby refusing bottles - weaning
« on: May 23, 2014, 20:27:21 pm »
HELP! Please!
My DS of 25 weeks is refusing to have formula from a bottle. I've breastfed him exclusively until now but have just started weaning him (as advised by my health visitor). I was hoping to have him off the breast completely in the next month or so but he's refusing to drink from the bottle. I've tried different nipples and bottles and having other people try and feed him - to no avail! He will drink milk from a cup but I have now at of knowing how much he has taken because most of ends up on his bib!  :P
He puts the bottle in his mouth himself but then takes it out immediately when he gets milk in his mouth. If I try and take over he clamps his mouth shut and shakes his head manically - needless to say, I haven't forced the issue as I don't want to give him negative 'bottle memories'. Do I keep persevering? Any suggestions/similar experiences most welcome! Thank you!

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Re: Breastfed baby refusing bottles - weaning
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 18:33:15 pm »
It could be the taste of the fomula he is objecting to. if you are able to pump I would mix breast milk with the formula and gradually increase the ratio of formula so he gets used to the taste gradually. So, you would (for example) put 5oz of breast milk in a bottle and add 1oz of formula for a couple of days, then 4oz of BM to 2oz of formula and so on.

Here is a link that may give you some more help. Breastfed babies and bottles

Just out of interest (and feel free to ignore!) why has your HV advised you to wean from breastfeeding? Is this what you planned to do anyway?
