Wow....that is quite the range. Everything from 5 hrs until nap to more than 6.5! I guess that confirms that each LO is different. I've been doing set PD for nap at 12:45 and set PD for BT at 7:15 but Aaron's day is quite variable. He takes a minimum of 45 min to fall asleep at BT regardless of WU or nap length and sometimes he takes 1.5 hrs. And once again, sometimes he'll take 1.5 hrs to fall asleep at BT if he's had a 50 min nap

or if he's had a 2 hr nap so it's not clear to me if he's UT or OT or if that's just what he needs to do. Our "average" day:
WU around 6:30 but anywhere between 6:15 and 7:15(if he took ages to fall asleep the night before)
Nap 12:45-2/2:45 (cap at 2 hrs if needed which is usually 90% of the time)
PD for BT at 7:15, asleep between 8:00 and 8:30
He seems to like a 10-10.75 hr night no matter what his nap was. I can't complain as we're not getting NWs or EWs (other than a recent long road trip where he wouldn't nap longer than 25-50 min in the car so was surely OT those nights) and he only wakes crying 30 min after his nap ~10% of the time now so we've certainly come a long way. However, I remain confused as to why he takes ages to fall asleep at night but he's happy in his crib so I'm just sticking with it.
Thanks for the input all!