Author Topic: 14 month old - just moved to 1 nap - generally too short!  (Read 2050 times)

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Offline AbbaG

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I had posted this in the naps forum but decided to delete and move it to here...

My son is 14 months in a few days.

Had to move him to 1 sleep as his second sleep was getting too late, or he was fighting it - especially at daycare where he just refused it unless he was extra tired.

A week ago (weds) he had 1 sleep, 11.50 - 2pm
Thurs and fri he had 2
Saturday he had 1 11.30 -2.00
Sunday he had 1 from 12 to 1, left him in bed till 1.50, he snoozed on and off until 1.30 and cracked it at 1.50
Monday (daycare) he slept from 10.20 till 1.40 (was tired so they put him down early)
Tuesday (daycare) he slept from 12.00 till 1.20
Wednesday he slept from 11.55 till 12.55, it's now 1.30 and I've left him there hoping he'd snooze... No luck!
Thursday he fell asleep in the car at 11.30, transferred to bed and slept till 12.30, got him up just before 1 as he wouldn't go back to sleep.

He generally sleeps from 7pm to 7am, cries out during the night from time to time but rarely do we have to go to him.

I'm wondering how to extend his daytime sleep?? Or will he do this himself? I'm sure that 1 hour sleep isn't enough (especially if it falls from 11.30 to 12.30!)


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Re: 14 month old - just moved to 1 nap - generally too short!
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 06:24:42 am »
It might be that he's getting a bit OT, as many LOs do when they first go to one nap. We're you capping one of his two naps previously? How long a CN were you going for?

He might need a mix of one nap and two nap days for a while, together with some early BTs if you do get a short nap. So for example if you get a nap of less than 2 hours, perhaps try BT at 6pm rather than 7. He may need a shorter day to cope with the OT.

What do you think?
~ Naomi ~

Offline AbbaG

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Re: 14 month old - just moved to 1 nap - generally too short!
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 06:27:05 am »
Sorry about the late response, I saw your response on my phone but waiting till I had my ipad to respond.

Previously he was sleeping around 11-12 and 4 till 5 with bedtime at around 7.30.

We've pretty much reverted to 2 naps for the past 5 days... He fell asleep either in the car, in the pram etc at around 10/10.30 so really needed a second sleep.

Today he slept 10.20 to 12.20 (in the car) and part of that after we'd stopped. It'd normally cap this at 12 but my hubby wanted to leave him. (Second sleep was cap to end at 5ish too). Trying him for another sleep now, not sure if he'll actually sleep (at worst I can see he's resting).

I probably did rush the jump from 4 to 5 hours awake time cause I figure it's really hard to fit in 2 sleeps with anything above 4 hours awake time.

Offline Buttonbobs

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Re: 14 month old - just moved to 1 nap - generally too short!
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2014, 10:51:55 am »
I probably did rush the jump from 4 to 5 hours awake time cause I figure it's really hard to fit in 2 sleeps with anything above 4 hours awake time.

If you jumped straight from 4 to 5 hours A time this may well have been too much for your LO. Unfortunately, you might find that two naps of one hour each will also lead to OT in the long run. The best way to manage this transition is as suggested in this link:

From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)

you can cap one of the naps (meaning you are aiming for an UT nap so you can put down early for it and go for the next sleep at less than a full A time too). This helps to keep the day shorter but means you can hopefully get in at least one restorative nap per day - i.e. at least 1.5 hours in one nap.

You can choose whether you push out that first A longer (try either adding 15 mins of A time and holding for three days and if that doesn't get a longer nap add another 15 mins) and then go for a UT second nap, or you can put down early for the first nap - say 9.30am waking no later than 10.15am, then go for second nap at 1.30pm ish.With my DD I went for a long morning nap as she always slept better for the first nap and it worked easier with my routine.

Then you can cap the CN shorter if need be before cutting the CN completely, and then go for one nap. This slightly slower transition might work better for you.
~ Naomi ~

Offline AbbaG

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Re: 14 month old - just moved to 1 nap - generally too short!
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2014, 11:07:40 am »

Thanks for the help.

We're trying morning sleep from 10.30 till 11.10/11.20 depending in when he goes to sleep, then arvo sleep from around 2.30 till 4/4.30 (again depending in when he goes to sleep) ... We just leave him to wake when he is ready, this seems worked one day, not so well the next.

I've also looked at the suggestions re transitioning to 1 sleep... I honestly don't know how this will work - shortening the first sleep and pulling back the second sleep won't ever move to whee we need to be...