Hey love, good to see you here on FA.
So Ts big bad no nos before 12-15 mths were. Dairy, soy, wheat (huge bad one possibly his worst), so e high fructose foods ie pear, apples (ok now at 19 mths), beef (very hard to digest), spinach (also hard to digest) too much sugar. Strawberries gave him a rash. We avoided seafood, eggs and nuts till 15 mths too.
So the good foods. We had to go back to almost nothing at 8 mths, and healed his gut with supplements ie probiotics, zinc, iron (bloods showed v low iron), Iberogast etc. homemade chicken broth and pumpkin were safe.
Meats and fish: lean lamb followed by chicken. Then later pate, salmon, small fish ie mackerel, sardines
Veges: leafy greens like bok choy, kale, aisan cabbage, lettuce cut up v small. Carrots, potatos, sweet potato, beets.
Fruit: blueberries, raspberries, bananas initially
All legumes
Coconut or olive oil, tinned tomatoes are fine, garlic, ginger, spices and herbs ok.
We have GF,DF, soy free bread. t has eggs now and he's on neocate still I've started to mix with almond milk.