My boys were born at 38 weeks so not too early. However thanks for sharing Mashi, I'm in agreement with you (and tbh annoyed with myself
for listening to the new stupid rules here which say babies can have anything and everything after 6mths other than whole nuts and honey and that is what is recommended) I never started DS on strawberries until after a year.
Laura that was also the recommendation when DS was born - though I know that with HVs things can vary by region from region and there is no consistency --- even from one to another across the road really

But we were also told that from 6 months, just get it in there, just no honey. Even the dietician at the hospital who we were sent to for feeding advice when he was diagnosed with MSPI was utterly useless. Shockingly useless. She just said "Oh, so he's allergic to milk and soy. So, you can't let him have anything with milk or soy in it...." and that was the extent of her advice! LOL!! I kept him gluten free as well until 12 months because my mother was a biopsy-confirmed celiac and I had read keeping GF can help the digetsive system build up stronger. Anyway. But I followed a slow introduction of foods, 3-day rule (5 days in many cases) and introduced foods in order that they are advised by age due to how easy they are for a baby to handle them. Anyway, the dietician's advice, for my 6.5mo MSPI baby was "just give him whatever you're having - if you're off to the chippy tonight for your tea, then just cut him off a chunk of your fish and give him a handful of your chips, just try to find ones that don't have a lot of salt on them!"

No bother at all if there was milk or soy in it, no bother on the nutrition quality, don't worry about starting first with F&V, just get to the chippy and get that meat&spud pie into his gob
Anyway, I would just not bother with what any current recommendations are on the topic, esp if you have two MSPI babies. I'd go slowly and use that chart from wholesome baby food as a guideline. There were a few times when I strayed a bit, I mean it would say broccolli not until 10 months, and DS was maybe 9m1wk or something. But I really kept the guidelines in mind.
I made all of my fruits and veggies and pureed them and then put them in the freezer. Totally okay to do that. I baked most of my fruits - plums, peaches, apples, pears that were not soft, etc. They were lovely. Once nicer weather came and fruits were more ripe and in season they were usually soft enough to give them to him without cooking them first. I took the frozen ones out in the morning and defrosted them for the day. I did this with veggies as well. DS only had fruits and vegetables really until about 9-10 months and then I started in on fish (mostly salmon) and scrambled egg yolks and started giving him more of a "meal" rather than just a taste of something to eat. We did chicken for an early meat as well as lean steak mince (we are not lamb eaters).
My DS was a rash reaction in strawberries - all around his mouth and face in hives within a few minutes. But, we tried again about 6 months later and he was fine.