Author Topic: 14wk old not taking feeds like before  (Read 1864 times)

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Offline Kitkat1801

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14wk old not taking feeds like before
« on: June 11, 2014, 11:33:19 am »
My LO is 14weeks old now 17lbs (born 1/3/14 9lb15oz)  he has been very good so far eating every 3 hours, 6/7 oz although this could have taken an hour each feed and up until last week he was sleeping anything from 8-10 hours during the night, with some mornings I had to wake him.

Now recently he wont take anymore than 5 oz per feed during the day and has started to wake up 4/5am, I've tried to leave him to see if he goes over on his own but he starts giving off rather than crying to a point where both my husband and i are wide awake. So we get up and find he's wide awake with big smiles, in some cases hes taken 6Oz's and others hes taken 3oz and went back over altho wmhen he gets up in the morning he's not hungry.

How can I get him back on track? Should I be moving him to 4 hour feeding now he's nearly 4 months?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 12:20:40 pm by Kitkat1801 »

Offline Lolly

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Re: 14wk old not taking feeds like before
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2014, 12:41:49 pm »
What flow teat do you have him on?

An hour is too long for a bottle feed too, it should be done in 20 mins max really, if a feed takes too long you could get into a snacking cycle.

I would try a 4 hour feed routine, a lot of formula fed babies are ready for 4 hourly feeds by about 12 weeks so you should fine he takes more as he will be a hungrier by 4 hours. How are his A times? If he can't do 2 hours yet you may have to play around with the EASY order for a few weeks until he catches up!


Offline Kitkat1801

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Re: 14wk old not taking feeds like before
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2014, 16:45:19 pm »
Hes on avent 3 medium flow teat, we Had him on 2 and we thought he was getting tired so we moved him over but it took a while for him to get used to this as we found he gulped quite a lot of air down

I think your right about snacking, he'll take 3oz then he refuses (screams and turns his head) to take any more for about 20minutes ... I thought maybe it was wind that stopped him eating because of his reaction

he also could spend a lot of time playing with the teat than eating. It pretty similar when I tried to feed him myself but he was the same where he latch on great first go then hed slip off and suck the nipple. So after a few weeks of that, me and my nipples couldn't take it any longer I moved him over to bottles.

He loves activity time he probably could go longer but as his feeding takes so long He probably only get 40mins with 20 wind down for a sleep

He slept through the night last night as He took 6oz at his dream feed (which took an hour also) and he's taken slightly more today per feed although still an hour each time  :(

Offline Lolly

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Re: 14wk old not taking feeds like before
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2014, 18:48:40 pm »
I think your right about snacking, he'll take 3oz then he refuses (screams and turns his head) to take any more for about 20minutes ... I thought maybe it was wind that stopped him eating because of his reaction

he also could spend a lot of time playing with the teat than eating. It pretty similar when I tried to feed him myself but he was the same where he latch on great first go then hed slip off and suck the nipple. So after a few weeks of that, me and my nipples couldn't take it any longer I moved him over to bottles.

Does he have any reflux symptoms? Reflux 101 - General reflux information. Also has he been checked for tongue tie?

He loves activity time he probably could go longer but as his feeding takes so long He probably only get 40mins with 20 wind down for a sleep

Feeding time is part of activity time, it's eyes open to eyes shut time. If he is taking an hour to feed, plus 40 mins plus 20 mins wind down then he is doing 2 hours A time.


« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 18:51:43 pm by Lolly »