Author Topic: Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room  (Read 1551 times)

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Offline MakingMischief

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Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:46:13 pm »
Hi everyone,

Colin has had a rough few weeks. He transitioned to a new room in preschool, with older kids, while the center is doing renovations. So not only is he in a new class, in a new room, his class (2 year olds) is sharing the room with the 3 year old class. While he was always a little pouty when we dropped him off, that has escalated to full-on tantrums, starting with a marked change in demeanor every morning when my husband and I start getting dressed for work, getting worse when we start trying to get him dressed (he'll fight us while we try to wrestle his clothes/shoes on), and ending up with crying and clinging to us when we get to the school.

On top of that, he's had a bit of a cold that's caused him to cough at night, which would wake him up.

For the past several months (6 or more? Maybe?) we've had a morning routine where Colin would first wake up around 5am and we'd bring him to bed with us, and he'd sleep for another hour or two. It was really sweet to wake up to him happily chatting in the bed with us, or for him to wake us up with a kiss on the cheek.

But with all the above stressors going on, he started waking up earlier and earlier and asking to come to bed with us. When he used to wake at night, which was rarely, we would just have to go in and give him a hug or sit with him for a minute and he'd go back to sleep - now, when one of us goes in, he's standing at the edge of the crib crying "lie down in mommy-daddy's bed!" and if I try to sit and rock with him to calm him down, he gets more upset and squirms until I put him down, then runs to the bedroom door and starts crying about coming to bed with us. 

At first it was the cough waking him up, and I think he wanted comfort. But he isn't coughing anymore. Plus, now he's started not going back to sleep when we bring him to bed with us. He lays there and chats and squirms fusses and basically ensures that no one is sleeping  ::) This morning he woke in his crib at 3:30am, we brought him back to the bed, and he just never went back to sleep until around 6am when my husband got up with him and the two of them fell asleep on the couch watching morning cartoons.

How do I get him back into his own bed without stressing him out too much? I feel bad throwing this on him when he has so much else going on, but I haven't gotten more than 5-6 hours of broken sleep in the past week and I'm exhausted.

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Re: Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 21:00:34 pm »
Wow, what a lot going on for the little guy! How old is he? Could it be either yearly or half yearly growth spurt?

Two things jump out that he won't sleep in your bed from 3am - either he is now finding it too stimulating being in with Mummy and Daddy or it is a GS and I am afraid nothing would get Olly to sleep when he was going through one of those. It really was a get through it as best you all can situation  ::)

Could you put a bed in his room and stay there with him if you didn't want him in with you?

Offline MakingMischief

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Re: Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2014, 00:35:32 am »
Yeah, poor little guy. He's 27 months right now, not eating any more than usual so doesn't seem like a growth spurt.

We'd have to get a cot of some sort to put in his room (it's really small) and sleep in there with him. Which we could do, certainly. I'm also thinking about getting a small lamp and a timer to set to 6am and tell him he had to stay in his crib until the light is on.

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Re: Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2014, 01:21:05 am »
How about just giving it a go with some quilts to make a bed beside his crib and go in and lay in there when he wakes?  We had to do that with G a lot through sickness and teething.  I would lay there with one hand in the crib and normally fall asleep myself, but sometimes stay awake til he went to sleep and then go back to my bed. 

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Re: Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2014, 06:30:44 am »
I agree. I think GW is more than likely the way forward. I think if you want to reinforce that he needs to stay in his own bed you'll need to stay with him to offer him the reassurance he needs re going back to sleep, and as he gets better about being in his own room / bed, you can gradually winthdraw. Have a look at this link, it may help....

Walk In/Walk Out vs. The Gradual Withdrawal Method (HOW TO CHOOSE)


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Re: Getting the 2 year old to stay in his own room
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2014, 21:03:25 pm »
If you really want to break this habit then you are going to have to spend a lot of time training him to stay in his room - as Hena says either GW or just by putting him back over and over  :o for me I would go down the GW route which is more than likely mean spending a lot of time on his floor - you may as well be comfy there  and get some quilts and cushions down!  :)