Author Topic: A time!  (Read 12310 times)

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Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #105 on: October 04, 2014, 11:27:18 am »

she just did wake up, she only slept 45 minutes. What can i do now?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2014, 11:23:04 am »
Sorry hun, I was away this wknd.

How did it go in the end? I'm presuming she was UT after that lovely long night sleep the night before?? Do you give her time to try and go back to sleep if I may ask? It's really important when they are fully on one nap to try and resettle them if she is crying, or try and leave them to see if they'll go back to sleep. If after 20mins or so she doesn't look like she's going back down, I would get her up and see how she goes. You can always try for another nap if needs be, but I think that'll be harder to do once she's used to only having one nap.

In answer to your questions, the nap will be at the same time every day regardless of when she wakes. In time, it will stabilise. The idea is to count the time from when you want her to wake rather than when she actually does if you know what I mean?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 11:25:56 am by Kellyjs »

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #107 on: October 18, 2014, 11:29:32 am »
In answer to your questions, the nap will be at the same time every day regardless of when she wakes. In time, it will stabilise. The idea is to count the time from when you want her to wake rather than when she actually does if you know what I mean?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 12:25:56 PM by Kellyjs »

I don t understand this, can you explain again? When you want her to wake? In the morning don t understand.

But i have good news and! I tried the 1 nap and she didnt accept or sleep. But she became 1 last week, and suddenly she sleeps 3 hours a day!!!!! And 12.5 at night, because of the long sleep i give her shorter A time, wich she normaly doesnt accept, now she sleeps after waking up at 8.30 again after 3 hour of awake time 1.30 minutes then 3 hours later again 1.30 minutes, goes in bed 2 hours later and sleep like 12/13 hours.

So i am in heaven right now  ;D

But i really don t understand this. So it is not the time to go for 1 nap, she is also very tired.

Never, ever did expact this from her, she almost didnt sleep her first year in live.   :o

Do you she this more often, she does walk but did start at 10.5 months, now she does it better and al by herself, so i doubt if it has to do with this.

But i must say i really like, god what a rest at the moment in hour house  :P

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Re: A time!
« Reply #108 on: October 18, 2014, 18:14:11 pm »
That's amazing! Enjoy it while it lasts. Here, we had a good 2 weeks of extra sleep around her first birthday. Then I had to cap the nap  ::). There's a huge developmental leap around now!

To clarify what I said before.. The idea with set naps is to try and regulate her sleep patterns. So if you'd like your day at start at 7, but she wakes at 6.30, you still put her down for her nap at the same time every day. I think we said 12pm? Then depending on how the nap goes.. Anything less than 1hr 30mins, you can put her to bed for the night up to 30mins earlier but ideally at the same time every night.

What I do here is... Her nap is capped at 2hrs. If she wakes at 1hr 45mins I put her to bed 15mins earlier. Does that make sense? Even if her nap is only an hour long, I only put her to bed 30mins earlier as that's the 'rules' of set naps.

So jealous of your Y time atm. But as you said, after a year of rubbish naps, it's definitely well deserved!!! X

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #109 on: October 23, 2014, 10:44:03 am »
Helling Kelly's ,

I am back again  ;D she is again sleeping bad, so we had tree weeks very good sleep. Now she sometimes refused het seconde nap and sleeps at 11.30 1,20 minuten sometimes she sleeps 2 x 45 so i think now we are goining to set naps. She did refuse to sleep today at 11.00 and Also at 11.30 was awake at 7.20. Wdyt?
What i don t understand before you Saïd to long a time before bed can give nw? Why is that now not the case? What time is good to set12.30 and 7 for bt?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #110 on: October 23, 2014, 11:51:07 am »
Might be because she had those three weeks of good sleep and with the developmental leap, she might be able to cope with the OT a little better.

Yes, I would do set nap at 12.30 if wake up is around 7.30 on average. Especially as she's prone to those 1hr 20mins naps... It'll be better to push her in the morning rather than the evening based on previous NW's.

Even if she wakes before 7.30, do keep the nap at your set time ok? 7pm BT sounds good too. You can put her to bed earlier (up to 30mins) if the nap is less than the 1hr 20. Remember it might take a couple of weeks for her to settle into it. Even then we might need to tweak a little more. Good luck and keep me posted to how it goes x

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #111 on: October 23, 2014, 12:07:17 pm »
Oke, she only slept 1 HOur,55 minutes. So now i don t try a second nap put go for ebt at 18.30? That is what you mean. Why does she now sleep even less if we do longer awake time?

To be clear she slept 55 minutes almost a hour so not much. She was very tired this morning, but refuses to sleep.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 12:08:48 pm by mary12 »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #112 on: October 24, 2014, 05:47:46 am »
Yes, I would go for EBT at 6.30 and try again tomorrow. The key is to keep at it I'm afraid and hope she settles in to it. We know she's capable of sleeping longer, she just needs to convince herself to too!

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #113 on: October 25, 2014, 17:01:00 pm »
Oke, she did refuse again sleeping. When i put her in bed she starts to cry. I i make noise because she maybe could be anxiet she cry she Also doesnt sleep with me she fights her sleep. She always sleeps on her one. Also fights bed time , i did rock her last night and that worked . We had one nap today my arms crying. But she is really tired crying and not happy. So i really don now why she does this, she is a little ill but not much. I don t think she  does this because of three weeks good sleeps because she is really tired. She falls al the time.wdyt? Should i still t try one sleep?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #114 on: October 26, 2014, 06:25:44 am »
I would carry on hun. Are you putting her down at the same time every day? It is frustrating I know, especially now you know she can sleep well. I do think it's a case of powering through and getting her on a consistent routine for her now so she knows when she's expected to go to sleep.

Just out of interest, she wasn't hungry before you put her down for the nap was she? It might be a good idea to do lunch before the nap x

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #115 on: October 27, 2014, 08:40:59 am »
Yes, she get lunch at 12.00 and 12.30 to bed. But it difficult today she did wake up at 6.30, because of the new winter time. So she needs 6 hours of wake time. That a lot. How you do this with winter time changing?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #116 on: October 27, 2014, 09:55:15 am »
There's a few different ways.. I'll post a link at the bottom. Personally we jumped her first A by 30mins on Saturday and her last A by 30mins too so technically she went to bed an hour later. Long day really. Worked the first day as we had a 6am wu (new time), but this morning she was wide awake at 5am, but luckily went back to sleep at 6 until I woke her at 6.30.

It takes me a week or so to get used to this new time change so I don't expect a LO too either tbh. We can just work with what we've got. If I were you, I would look at shifting the day by 30mins a day and hope it works out in the next day or two. So 12pm for nap today? 30mins earlier BT. Hope for 30mins later wu tomorrow then try again?

How to Adjust to Daylight Savings

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #117 on: October 29, 2014, 12:21:36 pm »

The last days she slept 1.20 or 1.40 minuten not much. I did keep the times at 12.30 and 7 Also because of kindergarden. Otherwise i keep changing.
She does wake up to earlier after wintertime first 6.30, 6, and today 5.40. So she has short nights. Like 11hours the last weeks we had nights of 13,12.5 hours.

She is not happy because of beining ot. But she does not sleep longen even shorter.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #118 on: October 30, 2014, 12:34:12 pm »
It will even out, just need to give her change to regulate herself. I'd hold these times for at least another week then we can reassess. 11hr night isn't bad tbh, just ideally we'd want another 30mims or so added onto that nap.

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #119 on: November 17, 2014, 10:43:58 am »

Back again ;), we tried one nap for almost 3 weeks now. in the beginning she  slept like 6 times 2 or 2,5 hours, then sometimes 1,30 and now sleeps again 45 minuten,  she is a little ill. But i don t think this is the problem.The night is like 3 or 4 times nw. We are still not adjust at winter time, she did sleep 12 or 12,5 at night now she sleeps 11 or 10,30  :-[.
so she is sleeping almost 11 or 12 in total, she does seem tired, but if she weeks it does seem impossible to get her back to sleep. But i can tell you she is tired and has trouble waiting till 7 to sleep.
any idea why she catnaps? I starting to think she doesnt want to sleep in the day time. Do you think she still needs time to adjust? And any idea how to get het back to sleep, i rock her give pacifier and she is realy calm but then she wakes and start to move and the i stop.