Author Topic: A time!  (Read 12114 times)

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Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #75 on: September 19, 2014, 14:17:34 pm »
Hello Kellys,

I have now a a time of 4 hours in the moring and A time of 3 hours the second time, sometime 3 and 30 minutes, sometimes my little one does refuse the second nap. She seems more tired in the morning and 4 is a lot.

Awake 7,45
nap at 11,45 slept only 1,10
did refuse nap at 3,45 and at 16,10, I will do early bedtime today.

Am I doing this right?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #76 on: September 19, 2014, 15:42:02 pm »
Yep, you sure are! You're definitely in the 2-1 transition now hun. I might be tempted to push another 15mins so 4hrs 15mins in the am as she's refusing her second nap. Then at least BT won't be so early. I think she can handle it as 1hr 10mins nap here would be a little UT during the 2-1. How are the nights now?

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Re: A time!
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2014, 12:17:56 pm »
Hello Kellys,

The night are good, sometimes she wake up bed goes back to sleep if i go in and give her a pacifer.

She does now most of the time 2 naps of 30 minutes, it s crazy now. Just one time she did the first nap 1,15 minutes and second 30 minutes.

If she does sleep like 1,30 or 1,15 what can i do with the second A time, because if she does only sleep 30 minutes waiting 3,30 seems so long for me? What do you think?So what can i do if the nap is longer then 1 hour or shorter? Because she has now verry undertired naps in the morning and later also.

Did you lo also slept this bad? The problem is she really does seems tired but doesnt sleep, this is so strange, it s like she is sleeping less and less, I am afraid she will stop sleeping in the day. She is only 11 months?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #78 on: September 23, 2014, 13:34:52 pm »
What is a average awake time for 1 nap? Or is this just a set time like 12,30 without counting when they wake up?

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Re: A time!
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2014, 13:55:02 pm »
And what is a good nap? 2 hours then you don't need ebt or catnap? I hear im my area (don't now if its the right word) that a lot of babies sleep like 3 hour or more for 1 nap. I mean that would be haven but i don t believe my lo is going to do that. What did yours? So how many houra awake intotal and how many hours of nap and night sleep? What is average? I think here it is 12 hours night sleep and 3 hours nap with 1 nap.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2014, 09:22:32 am »
I think a 3hr nap might be a little ambitious for your LO. She does seem to prefer less day time sleep. I think aim for a 2hr nap or even 2hr 30 nap when you transition.

I think she may be getting a little OT. Have you increased the A time drastically in the last few days? Is there any teething going on too?

Perhaps if she does a 30mons nap for the first one, I would try for maybe 3hrs A then try for another nap? It's a little bit of trial and error to find the right A time.

Maybe look at decreasing the first A by 30mins and try for a nap and see how long she sleeps. How long is your first A now?

Mine does 6hrs A first thing, then 2hr nap (although we only got 1hr yesterday  ::)), then 4hrs 30 to BT. It might be a little while until you can reach these A times though hun ok?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #81 on: September 24, 2014, 10:59:00 am »
Maybe look at decreasing the first A by 30mins and try for a nap and see how long she sleeps. How long is your first A now?

I don t understand you want me to decrease? I did just make it bigger instead, no i did not jump for a big A time at once, we did like a week 3,30 and then 3,45 a few days, then 4 hours 3 days, all this time she slept 30 minutes almost 3 weeks now. I did today 4,15 minutes, she sle pt 40 minutes.

Oke so if she doesnt sleep much i will do 3 awake time second time. How about the last awake time? I m doing early bedtime like 6,15 because of the long day and less sleep, can you explain ebt.

I did read here early bedtime is like 6,45/7 but that seems late for me if you lo is sleeping this less.

No, there is no theeting going on, is it normal sleep this less, what do you now think a most do decrease or increase first A time?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #82 on: September 24, 2014, 11:02:25 am »
O i forget to say i have now nw at 4/5 o clock she doesnt want to sleep only if i hold here, how can she wake up with this little sleep? This happend now 2 day in a row.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #83 on: September 24, 2014, 11:24:35 am »
That's very interesting she slept 40mins at 4hrs 15mins A time. Perhaps those 30mins naps were UT then too?? Hmmmm.

I would actually hold the 4hrs 15 mins first A then for a week or so. You said before that w2s doesn't work for her right? Do you think it might be time to try again?

Yes, I would try 3hrs A for the second A, if she refuses her nap at that time, try again 30mins later. It may not work though but I think it's worth trying it once to see.

EBT can be as early as 5.30pm! It does depend on the length of day. Some people don't start their day until 8am so a 6.45/7pm BT would be an EBT. I think you're doing BT just fine as she's sleeping a lot better in the early part of the night compared to what she used to.

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #84 on: September 24, 2014, 16:12:09 pm »
Why did you want do decrease A time at first? Im curious? I really don t know if it ut nap, she does look tired, is sometime boring.
She got a little bit sick and fot vaccination, but this is now 3 weeks ago so i don ;t now why she is sleeping this bad, she has a puffiness look by her eye by the lack of sleep, she does need it but she can t. I will try wake to sleep but since this never work for her, i don t have hope now she will almost 1.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #85 on: September 24, 2014, 16:25:29 pm »
At first I thought it was because the nap was OT. 30mins is a classic OT nap. Then I remembered yours is like mine and never really did that for an OT nap. Also the nap with an even longer A was at 40mins signalling an UT nap. Do you see what I mean? Confusing these lo's aren't they?

She might surprise you about the w2s now her A times are much higher. W2s generally doesn't work if the A times are far too low which they were for you previously. Worth a go anyway?? What do you think?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #86 on: September 24, 2014, 16:30:07 pm »
oke, but at wich time i go in? I mean she wakes in 30 minutes, and i stir a little. But when i go in then? Do you have any idea why she olso can wake at 4/5 in the morning? It's a lot around that time.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 16:45:32 pm by mary12 »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #87 on: September 24, 2014, 18:11:33 pm »
I would go in at 20mins I think. Don't know about the 4/5am WU's. If it was at the same time every night, I'd say it's habitual. It might be a little bit of a phase to get in some extra cuddles. I'd ride it out for now, especially if you can get her to go back to sleep.

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #88 on: September 25, 2014, 09:35:43 am »
Hello Kellys,

You made me doubt yesterday when you said it seems like an OT nap (30) because she seems verry tired and not happy. So she woke up at 5,45 and fell a sleep at 6,20 till 7,20. I did put her in bed at 10.35, like A time 3,15 consedering she was awake in the night(crying).

She is still sleeping now amost an hour. So it seems ot naps. Do have information/links about this, or can you explain.
Do you is think now we can take the conclusion its ot naps?

I think maybe she was ill/ and vaccinotion that is why she maybe did sleep so bad and i began to increase A time, which probably is not the right decision.

What do you think?I am so glad you gave me advice because it s so difficult to know what to do.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 09:37:24 am by mary12 »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #89 on: September 25, 2014, 14:09:19 pm »
It is hard to know what to do isn't it? She may have been feeling poorly after her vaccinations and that in itself may have caused some OT to build up. I would carry on today as usual with a 3.30hr pm nap and see if she takes that one too, BT as normal.

See how she does tonight and if it's caught her up a bit. You may need to do the same A times again tomorrow, but after then I would look at increasing again.

If my DD has a bad night or a bad nap the day before, I let her have an extra 20mins or so for her nap by putting her down earlier then a slightly earlier BT (maybe 15mins earlier) and by the next day she's usually caught herself up. Yours may need a little longer if OT has built up over a couple of weeks, but it should right itself soon.

Another thing to bear in mind is that she's coming up to a year old now isn't she? There's a huge developmental leap and wonder week that goes on around then that can make them sleep longer or can disrupt sleep during the nighttime  :-\