Author Topic: A time!  (Read 12306 times)

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Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #90 on: September 26, 2014, 10:35:50 am »
Hello Kellys,

Yesterday she did sleep 2 times 1,20 minutes and slept till 8 this morning. So she probably needed that, so again i give her today old a time 3,30 minutes but again 30 minutes at the time. So I am a little lost now, it seems she will not sleep longer, she did sleep good this night. So she slept yesterday good and the night, she also did this last week 1 time and got back to the bad napes.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #91 on: September 26, 2014, 11:49:19 am »
She did obviously need the catch up sleep! There may still be a bit of OT there perhaps? Maybe try 3hr 15mins second A and see if she sleeps longer again in the afternoon?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #92 on: September 28, 2014, 17:06:03 pm »
Hello Kelys,

I did give her time to catch up the sleep, so 3,30 A time and 3,30 second time, 2 days she slept now she did refuse her second nap. So she slept 1,10 in the morning A time 3,30 then second A time 3,30,3,45 then 4 hours, she didnt want to sleep so she i did bring her to bed at 6,20. She woke up at 7,20.

What do you think is the best for tomorrow, I really don t know now. I had first a time of 4,15 but then she slept 30 minutes. So I am a little lost.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #93 on: September 28, 2014, 18:09:41 pm »
You could try the same A times, but capping that first nap. Maybe at 30 mins? It may sound crazy considering she's having rubbish naps atm, but it would help her want to have a nap in the afternoon. What do you think?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #94 on: September 28, 2014, 19:30:08 pm »
 :o I don t know, it sounds crazy, because she did nap 30 the last 3/4 weeks, so she is only napping more 3 or 4 days, so she did not sleep longer with 30 minutes in the past why would she now do that?

 Is it not better increasing A time in the morning? The only thing i realy know about her sleep is that she like to sleep more with her first nap and that she is more tired in the morning. I am also thinking of just starting to put her in bed at 12.30 at once and just she what happens if she does this a few days? What do you think, i really don t like to cutting her naps, this because she sleep so bad otherwise it did not would be a problem.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #95 on: September 29, 2014, 06:38:44 am »
I know, it's really tricky isn't it? If you feel you'll get a better nap in the morning then I'd stick with increasing the first A gradually. Then EBT if she refuses the second nap. You could try cold turkey, but as she was OT before you may find that'll happen again after a couple of days and get NW's and suchlike. It's up to you really.

Personally I would work on that first A and increase it reasonable slowly. So 3hrs 30mins for a couple of days, then 3hrs 45mins for a couple of days etc etc and see if you can get the nap closer to the middle of the day.

Many people do go down the set nap and BT route, I did. But it may be too big of a jump to go to 12.30pm. If you wanted to try this way I would maybe try 11.45am and set BT of 6 if her wu is around 7. You'll need to hold for at least a week perhaps two to see if she settles into it. Some OT will happen, but it will be a case if riding it out then when she's ready shifting the nap and BT once the nap starts to get longer. Wdyt? Back in a mo to post a link about set nap/BT.

Set naps for toddlers: Why, How and When

Offline josiedsm

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Re: A time!
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2014, 17:25:13 pm »
Hi, just to give you another perspective, my daughter is 11.5 months old and I have just started capping her first nap because she was refusing her second nap.  But I wanted to show you that she has very short A times.  Her morning A time is 2.5 hours.  If I try to do a longer A time she takes a short nap.  Here is her day, roughly:

6 wake
8:30-10 nap (I wake her)
1-3 nap
7 bed

So don't be afraid of a short A time, especially if your LO is especially tired in the morning.

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #97 on: October 01, 2014, 19:45:20 pm »
thank you for an other  perspective. Before  she did always catnap thats why i increased A time.

Now at this moment she is suddenly napping good, so A time 3,30 in the morning nap,1,20 minutes, then i have a time 4 hours and she naps 45 minutes.
So far so good, but we now have night wakenings, at 4 at 5 at six awake. So she has a short night. Why can these night wakes happen, she only slept like 3 weeks through the night last month, before we also had night wakenings.

Its even worse then no napping :-[ Does anybody know why and what i can do?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #98 on: October 01, 2014, 20:00:36 pm »

I do a lot of time EBT but a lot of times she  wakes up earlier, so i did a few times ebt and now she wakes up at 6. She does sleep like 11/12 hours not more, what is then the point to EBT?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #99 on: October 02, 2014, 11:45:16 am »
That's the problem with this 2-1 transition hun, it's all over the place! EBT is essential as yours doesn't do well in the early part of the night if she's OT. However, if she's now sleeping 1hr 20mins and 45mins for her nap, 11hrs will be expected for over night sleep.

Just out of interest, are the NW's happening when she's napping well during the day?

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #100 on: October 03, 2014, 07:31:10 am »
hello Kellyjs,

Well i really can't tell because she is really inconsistent, so she is not daily napping 1,20 and 45. Yesterday she did again 1 nap off 1 hour.
But why? What are you thinking of? Maybe you are right but it is so difficult she she does every something else. She did nap bad yesterday and she sttn but she was crying a lot and went back to sleep for her sleep. So she had a restless night. But she slept without us and the cries where only 1 minute.

why do you also expected less sleep in the night if she sleeps a goed nap? I mean the point of napping is extra sleep not exchange with her night sleep?

Our day yesterdag;

She slept till 8 (horrible night with a lot of nw)
Then i brought her to bed at 12.oo, i thought lets try 4 hours instead of 3,30,345 lets see if she does now longer sleep, only slept 1 hour.
Did refuse to sleep at 4, awake time 3 hours because of night and 1 hour of sleep.
did EBT at 18,30 because she woke at 8?

She is so inconsitent, is there hope for us  ;D that she will have some regularity.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #101 on: October 03, 2014, 12:09:58 pm »
There is hope hun, I promise!

The reason I'm asking is that maybe it's time to jump straight into one nap. Do the set nap and BT I mentioned before and ride out the OT? That's what I had to do in the end because I was so fed up with the inconsistency.  Wdyt?

It might go well for a couple of days, then it might go haywire for another couple of days, but the idea is to stick with it come hell or high water and hope she comes out the other end settled into the new routine. You'll have to keep with it for at least 2 weeks I think before you can shift things around again like move the nap slightly later.

So I would do wu at 7, nap 11.45 or 12 - however long she wants to sleep, BT 6. You can do the nap 15mins earlier if she's had a particularly bad night, or BT up to 30mins earlier if the nap was rubbish, otherwise it's a case of sticking with the times. Worth a shot? Worse case scenario is that you get lots of OT NW's but they were easy to resettle here and the nap getting shorter as OT creeps in. It did rectify itself here within a week or two, then I had to push the nap slightly later as the nap then became an UT one  ::)

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #102 on: October 03, 2014, 17:44:36 pm »
Worse case scenario is that you get lots of OT NW's but they were easy to resettle here and the nap getting shorter as OT creeps in.

How did you got resettle i don't understand? I think it is worth trying but after her birthday next week, otherwise it s to much at the same time.

You said maybe that her Nw are at the moment that she sleep good in the day, but how is this possible if she sleep no more then 2 hours. I mean i understand what you are saying but with children that sleep to much for their age. For example 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. But like mine does?That would mean she only will need 1 hour of day sleep, I don t believe that she is to tired for that, i think she will sleep like 2 or 2,15 hours a day. I think that is what she needs to have a good happy day. ( i hope  ::))

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: A time!
« Reply #103 on: October 03, 2014, 18:11:45 pm »
Problem is hun there's a huge developmental leap at 1yo. That can play havoc with sleep anyway. Here she just wanted to sleep more, but I've heard it can go the other way for some little ones  ::)

What I meant was, as the night wakings were due to OT, she was so tired, that when she did cry out it just needed a minute or two of ssh/pat to resettle her again. There was no long drawn-out wakings.

I think the difference is between one good two hour sleep on one nap and two hours over 2 naps is that they have a really good restorative nap and then actually sleep more over night for a few weeks or couple of months until they're ready for the day to be pushed out again. I know it doesn't make much sense especially as you've put it, I can definitely see where you're coming from! But it really did help us stabilise things and get our consistency back. We actually had 12hr night time sleep and 2hr 30mins nap for a couple of weeks!! I couldn't believe it. Then I had to cap the nap at 2hrs and now we have an 11hr night.

Offline mary12

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Re: A time!
« Reply #104 on: October 04, 2014, 10:49:53 am »
Oke, see what you mean.

We are trying today this because she doesn t want to sleep at 3,30, so i am trying the 1 nap.

I have a few questions, what if she wake up before 7? that is a long time till 12,30 and if i do ebt like at six you are assuming that she wil sleep til 7? Because if she wake up at six that means a long time till 12,30. What about extra early bedtime?

I had a verry good night, only 1 cry and she did sleep again by her self within 1 minute.She slept from 7 til 7,30, super. So i just put her in bed at 12,30, hoping that she will sleep longer, it wat in the last hour a bit difficult she began to be really tired.