Hours of screaming at BT. Every. Single. Night. I'm so done I can't even tell you. I don't know what happened to my independent sleeper. He's so seriously OT at this point I don't know how to recover.
A normal day would be
WU 6:30/6:45
Nap 1-2:30
BT 8pm
This was going perfectly and then randomly it all went to pot, we started getting crazy early WUs (I'm talking like 4:45am) and he was so OT by bedtime I couldn't get him to sleep until 9pm or later and then it all went downhill after that. I've tried EBTs and it still takes 2hrs to get him down. WI/WO isn't even an option at this point because I did that the other day and when I left the room he was so hysterical he jumped out of his crib and landed on his face and gave himself a bloody nose

He gives me every excuse in the book...needs to read, be rocked, needs water, he throws all his lovies out of his crib, he won't lie down and just screams and screams. I've had it.
I know most would say maybe he needs to cut down on his nap, but honestly I think it's the opposite. On the weekends when he's home (not at daycare) he usually takes loooong naps (3hrs) and he seems to be much happier (I think he's just tired from the week at daycare).
I thought teeth (he's still to get his 2yr molars) but I felt around and don't feel any bumps or swelling.
I just don't know. This is probably a rant more than anything but I'm just so bloody tired of it every night.