Author Topic: 5 month old... Night wakings and not taking enough milk during the daytime  (Read 790 times)

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Offline Alexhas1

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Hello fellow mummies,

I need some constructive advice/tips on a few things to do with my 23 week / 5.5 month old baby boy...

- He was induced 3 weeks early due rheusus disease.
- Combination fed until 12 weeks then bottle fed on Aptamil since.
- Sleeps on his tummy in his cot (I know the link to SIDS but we have a monitor and I am very vigilant).
- he's only small, on about the 9th centile last time he was weighed
- Thought he was suffering from reflux in his early weeks but maybe the symptoms were due to him being aneamic and therefore finding feeding difficult?

He has never been a big eater and at the minute i struggle to get 5oz down him at each feed.

He doesn't generally take his first morning feed so this has a knock on effect on the rest of the day and we are always trying to at catch up. Some days he has as little as 15oz.

I'm trying to get on to a 4 hour routine but it's a struggle. It's hard for me to list his EASY but something like this...

Wakes at around 6am
E - 6.30 (sometimes only 1oz)
A - 6-8
SY - 8am-9.15is

E - 9.30am (4-5oz max)
A - 9.30-11.30
SY - 11.30 - 12.30

E - 1pm (4/5oz max)
A - 12.30-2.30
SY - 2.30-3.30

E - 4pm (4/5oz max)
A - 3.30-5pm
SY - 5-5.30pm cat nap

E - 6pm (5oz)
A - bath 6.15ish
E - top up with whatever he will take. Sometimes nothing!
S - 6.45ish? I give him a cuddle and his dummy. Goes down ok in his cot and gets himself to sleep.

Then he wakes habitually at:
- 9.30pm - 5oz
- 1am ish - he takes about 3oz
- 3.30/4ish - another 2/3oz

Sometimes he takes more, sometimes less but I let him lead and when he stops feeding I try to put him back down.

Sometimes he drops off to sleep while feeding so I try and put him down but he comes back around and starts crying so I have to pick him back out and feed some more.

When he wakes he doesn't seem to be able to self soothe, unless he really his hungry but I'm not sure f it's habit or hunger waking him
Up? Any ideas? And does anyone have experience of training a tummy sleeper to self soothe?

When he wakes he won't take the dummy and screams until I pick him up. I have tried giving him water and he cries.

I have also tried all kinds of teats and bottles, hungry milk, reflux milk...

At the minute I am trying to get him used to a size 3 Dr Browns teat. Some days he is fine and others he struggles to keep up.

Does anyone know what else I can do to get him up to 7oz a feed and also stop his night wakings?

I have a 2 year old so don't get much chance to rest and don't like him crying for too long at night incase he wakes her up, so I don't do shhh pat incase he gets too noisy.

Help! Any ideas on how to move forward? My HV advises to keep feeding him at night.


2) fussy feeding - he only takes around 20oz each day then wakes

Offline Adelheid

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Alexhas1, I'm no expert and my baby is only 4 1/2 mo old. But, I was wondering about two things:
1. Is it too early to go to 4hr EASY if getting him to eat enough is the issue? Wouldn't that make him have to wait longer between feeds?
2. If you dropped a night feed, or two, couldn't that positively affect his day time feed? Maybe he relies on getting three feeds at night, so he doesnt work hard enough during the day to pack in the calories.  Its tough getting them to eat well. I know I'm always struggling. Don't loose hope. You are using a bottle which good on the one hand, because you can see how much he's eating, but on the other hand you can drive yourself crazy if he didn't gulp down the proper ounces. Just hand in there!
Sending you a hug!