Author Topic: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths  (Read 44497 times)

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Offline Kirstenjohnson0529

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2013, 16:26:59 pm »
We play 'smell the spice cabinet.' It's fun to see her reaction to the different smells.

Love this thread! Some great ideas to liven up our routine!

Offline lauradj

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2013, 16:42:51 pm »
'Smell the Spices' sounds like an awesome idea!  I'm trying to modify our activities as my LO is just 4months.  Mostly he's on the playmat, doing tummy time, reading, singing or dancing with Mommy.  We also go to Roots of Empathy once every three weeks, he seems to really like it but it tires him out!  Does anyone know at what age it's ok to use the exersaucer?

Offline Shdef

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2014, 19:34:22 pm »
Activity time that is fun for both mum and baby (for those fed up cooing   and singing itsy bitsy spider  :P )

Putting them in a bouncy seat or prop up, get a magazine YOU want to read and read aloud, with interaction. Even toty babies will answer your questions in the crossword puzzle, you just can't understand it yet.  ;)

Go on youtube or any streamer and type in the music you enjoyed as a teenager. Sing along and dance with baby.

Put them in a soft structured front carrier and go shopping, do housework, while explaining everything to baby. Make sure it's A-time, as  time in a wrap counts as tummy time (thumbs up for those whose baby hate tummy time, no matter what you do). Let them feel textures as you go along.

Put the radio on the classical channel and massage or drum on baby's body to rhythm while trying to guess if this is Mozart or Vivaldi, Beethoven or Paganini. Bit of culture has never hurt anyone.  8)

Offline little_hoss

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Re: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2014, 00:39:54 am »
i love this thread!

Juniper is 12 weeks now... things she's been into:
Putting her in her high chair, putting a few toys in front of her while I cook. She mostly stares but put one in her mouth for the first time today!
I also put on some music today... she was LOVING Maroon 5's "One More Night" as I was singing along to it today. I think it was the high and low "Ohhh-ohhh-ohh parts"