My DS was a total paci addict! He wanted one all the time, unless he was completely distracted by something wonderfully fun and amazing.

. We did it cold turkey one day when my hubby was home, although we had talked about it for a while. My son was just over 3. We rounded up all the pacis in the house and DH took DS to the toy store where he picked out a cool new toy, but had to "buy" it with pacis. I wasn't there, but apparently there were some tears when the cashier took all his pacis and he knew that was it.

. But I was very surprised how quickly he adapted. The next day, he asked for them a few times out of habit, and I reminded him that we used them to pay for his new ambulance. Bedtime was a little rough for a few days, wanting us to stay with him until he fell asleep, but we were expecting that, and I'd say for about a week I noticed some increase in crying, tantrums, etc. while he was adjusting. My DS finds any change VERY difficult, so I thought it was going to be a lot worse than it was. I know if he can do it, anyone can!