My baby is 1 year and 1 month old, and for quite a few months now he's been having a very steady routine:
7,30 - WU and milk
9 - juice
11,00 - milk and nap
11,20 - nap until 12,20
12,30 - lunch (solids)
4,00 - milk
4,20 - nap - 5,20
5,45 - dinner (solids)
8 - bath
8,30 - milk
8,40 - sleep
He goes straight unitl 7,30. During the times he's awake, he's REALLY active, started walking at 11 months so now he's practically running. He's very curious and needs to touch everything he sees - so, by the time he goes to bed for naps or at bedtime, he's really phisically tired. Usually, he goes down really easily in the first nap, and sometimes resists the second nap for at least 20 minutes before he settles and sleeps (he always sleep by himself, in his crib)
I have three doubts:
1. when should I expect him to drop one nap?
2. How to help him drop one nap? Everybody says that the first nap is usually the easist to be dropped, but my lo seems to fight more the second nap...
3. the past week he has woken up during the night (once, at different times in different naps). He wakes up after moving a lot in his crib (as if he was trying to find a good position), crying. The first two nights I woke up, went to his bedroom and didn't take him out of the crib - i stayed with my hand in his back until he settled again. Last night, he cried and I didn't even go in there, as he settled alone after a few minutes. The two nights I went in, ít didn't seem to be any problem (diaper, poop, heat/cold). Any ideas of what this could be?