Author Topic: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??  (Read 1230 times)

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UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:26:03 am »
So R will be 3 next week (8th). On Sunday gone she didn't have a nap as we went to my nephews birthday party. We expected he to fall asleep on the way home, um no! So she had an EBT of 6pm but was awake the next day by 5.30 - quite unsual for her. You could usually guarantee a night of 12-13h with no nap.

Monday I had to work so she was with my mil. She was shattered but flat out refused to nap. BT 6pm, out like a light. Awake at 4am - I think looking for a tissue!??! Got her a tissue, she went back to sleep around 4.20/30 until 6am. Again a short night.

Tuesday - she was adamant that she was not tired despite practically falling over. So I insisted and she went to bed and was a asleep practically asleep before I'd shut the door. BT normal time (7pm). Sure she was awake in the night again but can't remember the detail. Woke at 5.50am

Wednesday - adamant that she was bit tired but mil insisted and she was out like a light. BT 7pm. And last night I heard her at 1am chatting. BT 2.15am she sounded upset, went in- lost tissue (give me strenght!) went to sleep around 2.30. Awake around 6am - pleading for help. Went in, wanted her gro- bag rolled up. She no longer sleeps in it but wants it in bed with her.

So she usually sleep 11h at night, sometimes upto 11.5

Nap is 1.45/2pm capped at 1h - always have to wake and she is a beast

BT: 7pm (usually alseep within 10/15 mins)

So I see this getting worse. Is it a nearly three thing and just need up ride it out or is there any tweaking required? I haven't a clue, any thoughts apprecaited.

I haven't posted in Eas format as her days pretty much the same



« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 06:28:10 am by HenaV »

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 06:39:59 am »
It could be a nearly 3 thing. When was the last time you reduced the nap length? Might it be time for a cap a bit shorter with Bt staying the same or keep nap the same and make BT slight later?
~ Naomi ~

Offline Mattsmummy

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 20:21:52 pm »
Just for some hand holding, we are getting some weird stuff too. No nap days with early mornings still, silliness at bt with naps, NW, EW and followed by a Late WU. We are all over the map right now.
I'm trying to ride it out hoping we come out the other side in one piece. His nap at nursery is capped at 1 hour as well and I'm thinking we may need to go down to 45 minutes. And he will be, as you say, a beast...
BTW, DS will be 3 on the 22nd...
 :-\ :-*
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Offline Sarsheep

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2014, 20:49:03 pm »
Just from memory (not great) I'm sure with our eldest we we're at 1hr capped nap and EBT at this age and we still had night terrors/random waking for 'stuff' as we dropped nap (he's v HSN-still naps at wkends sometimes-he's 5!)
Fx for a good night x

Offline HenaV

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2014, 05:45:12 am »
Thanks ladies!

Well she had an hour yesterday at 2pm (was shattered) and had to be woken. Bed at 7pm, out like a light. She SSTN (yay!) but was awake happily at 5.30am (boohoo). For us historically that's usally developmental or a need for a tweak. I fear it's the latter and time to cut that nap down a little further - say as suggeste to 45mins?

To answer Naomi's question - it's been a while since we tweaked. Tbh, I can't quite remember when we last did but it was I'm sure to combat a similiar situation.

When she woke today, she was pretty quiet for the first 45min, and then pulled the tissue trick. Tbf, she has been coughing and sneezing so I thought she may be telling the truth when I heard, help I've got a bogey!!!! I went in and she was all smiles (I'm such a fool) clearly thinking, yeah, got ya!

So time to tweak do we think, or see how she goes for a few days in light of this being the first night since Sunday without some kind of NW?


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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2014, 09:50:07 am »
It's a nearly 3 thing I think :-\ this is when our nap pretty much had to go most of the time. When Z napped it had too be short, or early in the day and believe it or not he took a nap at 11.30 am for 30 mins quite happily :o

Your likely in the 1-0 and unfortunately it's not pretty :(

I'd play it by ear for a bit more and see if you can work out what will work for her. Does she go to kindy or daycare at all on some days?

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2014, 10:41:38 am »
I think if you've been on this routine for a while it's likely another tweak is due. I agree with Sara re likely 1-0, sorry
~ Naomi ~

Offline HenaV

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2014, 10:51:02 am »
Boo hoo!! But I think no knew that deep down!!  :P

Yes, she does preschool two days (tues and Wed) per week 9-12noon and now usually lunch club (12-1pm) on those days. Thinking about adding Monday morning as of Sept x

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2014, 06:35:04 am »
I'm confused. She was shattered by BT at 7pm (probably could have done with going to bed 10mins earlier in hindsight) . she was out like a light and the at 4.15 was screaming the house down. She was upset because she wanted her kitty (soft toy). It is not her lovey. She has started to take a few extra toys to bed with her, but they do vary each night. The only one which is a must have is her lovey.

Anyway, I refused to hunt the house for kitty which led to hysteria but she eventually accepted it and went back to sleep abou 15/20mins  later. Why does it sound so loud and feel like it's going on forever at that time in the morning?

She called me this morning when her gro-clock went on (6.45am) I have no idea what time she woke up but I got the impression when I went in that it hadn't been long.

She seems tired at silly o'clock. Once upon a time a WU at that time I would have said OT but with the hysterics that went with it, I'm struggling to see what's going on with her.

Is this just part of the 1-0 process?

« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 06:37:28 am by HenaV »

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2014, 07:34:05 am »
Z did this hysterical stuff around 3 and again around 3.5 and it was developmental - probably a bit of OT but mainly his mind was racing. Imagination went nuts! - fears at night, scared, needing extra comfort in bed etc. Z also had NT.

I can't remember how long it went on for, but it did pass....and it wasn't every night :-\

Does she nap on kindy days?

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Offline HenaV

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Re: UT, OT or just nearly 3??!!??
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2014, 08:43:33 am »
She naps everyday at the moment from around 1.45-2pm for an hour. She's a nightmare without a nap. By about 5.30pm she's beyond it. So her day usually looked like this before the glitch of last week:

Nap: 1.45/2pm for 1hour
BT: 7pm (usally asleep by 7.15pm)

Last Sunday she didn't have a nap because of her cousins birthday party on Sunday and it all seems to have gone steadily wrong from there. Usually if she has a NND, it will take a couple of days to Catch up. Last week she had 2 NNDs in a row (Sunday and Monday) as she refused to go to bed Monday for my mil - was beyond OT.