Tks for your advice. However the past week has been a totally different story. Somehow LO started switching day for night. She woke at differdent time for three days and I suspected it was a growth spurt. So I added one ounce to feed during the day (she's having 5 ounce now). Then she woke at 2am for two days and I thought it's habitual waking. So two days ago I used wake-to-sleep, inserting a paci and stroke her belly at 1am. Maybe I did too much and she became widely awake.

She cried out loud and couldn't be settled with shush-pat. Then we ended with 5am feed and she finally fell asleep. That's how she started switching day for night. Now she has way too great naps during the day. Although I still wake her for feed every 3hrs, she barely stay wake during the feed. She’d toss and turn from 9pm-11pm and dream feed became awake feed. She used to drain the bottle even for dream feed, but now sometimes she’d have 1/3 left.
Last night she woke at 3ish because the diaper was wet through. Then I couldn’t settle her with neither shush-pat nor paci. Finally I have to feed her at 4:30am as she’s really hungry.
I guess I’ll have to observe for 2 to 3 nights to see whether it’s habitual waking or something else. My two questions are-
Wake-to-sleep: To what degree is enough? If I insert a paci and LO pushes it out or turns her head, is that good enough?
Shush-pat for night waking: I have no success so far. I did shush-pat for 15mins but she’s just wake every 5 mins. She seldom takes a paci. Even if she takes it, she needs me to put it back every 30mins. So we ended up with either shush-pat for the rest of the night till feed at 5am or paci in and out. Did I do it wrong with shush-pat?