Hi Sarah!
I dropped the night feed maybe a bit older than that but it was def the right thing to do for us as we have many more STTN now and they feed better in the day (well, we are weaning now but they did!). What I did was make it later and later til it got to about 3, then shorter and shorter, then just stopped. There were a few tears but not many and we got through it with cuddles, then shh pat. And I made a really big thing of the morning feed - go in, lights on, long luxurious BF, cuddles, spoiling in general. I think once they realised there was no milk at night there was less incentive to wake up IYSWIM. But as I said, mine were a bit older and were on 3 meals by then I think.
WRT early morning pooing, we have the same, and it's a pain! If I get them up to change nappy there's no chance of going back to sleep, but what's the alternative?! And mine go 3x a day so not sure it can be avoided! I'm just hoping they will start sleeping (and pooing!) later as the mornings get darker.....
The final thing I'd say is that I miss night feeds a bit - I hated waking up but it was such a lovely snuggly time and mine are not v snuggly babies in general.....I was ready to stop when I did but I don't think you should rush it if you aren't ready...