Author Topic: Toddler waking up for 1 hour + each night!  (Read 1258 times)

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Offline Zoya8120

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Toddler waking up for 1 hour + each night!
« on: July 08, 2014, 11:18:26 am »
Help! My 20 month old was sleeping through the night until about a month ago. For the past month she has been waking throughout the night and I've been shushing her back to sleep. ( sitting at her bedside or from door making shush noise). The past 3 nights she's started waking for 1-2 hours around 2am. When she wakes she's not tired and tosses around crib. I've tried shushing ... Letting her cry for short intervals but am at a loss. Basically she's sleeping 9-645 with an hour+ wake up. She's also become difficult napping. I have to sneak out of the room shushing her and she often wakes frequently.. Usually napping only an hour.

What do you suggest?!

Tired mom and wired toddler

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Re: Toddler waking up for 1 hour + each night!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 06:10:24 am »

Big (((hugs)) it's rubbish when sleep goes wonky isn't it.

Can you post your lo's day in EAS format?

Also, any sign of teeth?

Re: the NW - what kind of NW are they / what is you LOs mood - happy, chatty, tired etc?

Sorry for all the Qs but hopefully if we have more info we'll be able to help x

Offline Zoya8120

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Re: Toddler waking up for 1 hour + each night!
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2014, 19:51:13 pm »
I should mention that this all started with a switch to a toddler bed (she jumped out of her crib). She is also getting her canine teeth. She is going to sleep fine and then waking up 1-2 times per night.

Typical day:
Wake up:630 (I try to get her to go back to sleep bc she's so tired still)
Nap: 130-230
Bedtime: 830 ( wakes up and runs to door 1-2 times per night.. Approximately 1-2 hours awake)

She make be having night terrors and bolting from bed. This has been going in for a month and before she slept perfectly through night.

She may have some attachment issues. She's pleasant at bedtime. However, she always wakes with piercing screaming .. :(