Hi, my DS is nearly 16wks, making him 4mo on Friday. He was born 3 wks early, but seems to be doing things on time and feeding well. He is my third so unfortunately I've APd a lot because I've had to, to do school drop off, pick up and older two kids activities.
I did bw for my other two so I'm familiar with the age appropriate A times, etc and how many naps they need. But the question is how to actually get him to cooperate!!
I still haven't made it to 4 hr Easy.. And lately gave been having loads of nw, and short naps. Can someone please help tweak my routine? Or give me suggestions? Thanks in advance

We don't have a reliable routine, so I'll tell you how today went. I was aiming for two long naps and 1 cn, but it all fell apart

. Most times I put him for a nap in the baby carrier or keep him in the capsule if he falls asleep on the school run.
Wu 6:45
E 7:30 bf
A 6:45-8:50
S 8:50-11:05 (first in the carrier while out then cont sleeping in the car on way home)
E good bf at 11:05
A 11:05-12:50 (I always struggle with thiis A time. He gets cranky very quickly. But he should be ok after a long nap right?.)
S 12:50-1:35 ( then I end up with a short napand the day goes downhill)
E 2:10
A 1:35- 3:45 (too long but had no choice - school run)
S forced him at 3:50 slept till 4:35
Woke crying, ot for sure?
E again bf at 5
A 4:35-5:45 did bath
I took him to bed at 5:45, didn't really know what else to do! I bf him at 5:45 again to put him to bed. He slept at 6:15, woke crying at 6:45, I fed him again and then he went yo his cot and has been sleeping since...it's now 10 pm.
Actually despite what I thought was a bad day, it's been his best early part of the night for the past week or so. He used to sleep well from about 7:15-11pm when he was younger.. Them a few weeks ago he started waking up at 9:30 wanting a feed. I assumed growth spurt? But past week was awful.. He was up every 45 mins to an hour!
Tonight it's been better... What do you make of that?
Thanks ladies!