Author Topic: Where am I going wrong??? Completely confused these days!  (Read 1306 times)

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Offline lolsyb1982

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Here I am again with another sleep problem  :(

For the past couple of weeks we've had BT battles and it's taking an hour plus for her to go to sleep.

Usually in the past these kind of shenanigans have always been UT but I really don't see how that can be the case this time round?!

Routine for the past few months has been something like this:

Wu 5.30
Nap 12.30 - only ever sleeps 1.10 at childminders mon-thur
Bed 6/6.30

At weekends her nap would be around 11 for 2+ hours with bed about 5hrs later.

To try and get rid of the early start and add consistency it was recommended I keep her nap at weekends to 12.30 which I started last weekend and am going to continue to do so.

Now when I put her down at 6/6.30 she's messing about/then crying and this can go on and on. Even AP'ing isn't working! She's not really showing many tired signs at BT but at 15mo she has to be tired surely after only an hours nap??? I'm constantly doubting myself these days and so confused as to whether she's UT or OT..

I tried leaving her one night this wk to see if she might show tired signs a bit later but at 6.50 still none so I can't rely on them anymore it seems.

By the time she eventually does fall asleep she's incredibly OT and then often only sleeps 9/10hrs.

Any thoughts? How do I get her out of this mess?
I've lost count of the number of dinners that have been ruined where it's taking one of us so long to get her down!!


Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Where am I going wrong??? Completely confused these days!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 20:09:51 pm »
Hi we had horrid sleep 15-17 months and put it down to teeth and developmental as language was starting up. Some days naps were refused until eventually crashed on sofa at like 3pm then BT was meltdown after meltdown which ended up with us taking turns sitting next to cot then in the doorway until DS nodded off, and he was a good independant sleeper, NW and EW. It did pass honestly! For us it was just keep trying the nap and being consistant at BT.
I would think on an hours nap your getting a bit of OT in there so possibly not helping settling at BT, I know your doing a 12.5 hour day but would it be worth trying a 5.30 BT just to see?

Any teeth moving about?x

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Where am I going wrong??? Completely confused these days!
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2014, 20:30:35 pm »
I don't get home from work until 5.30. Tonight I took her straight upstairs with her milk and put her down at 5.45. She finally fell asleep at 7.40!!!!!!

I wondered earlier if we could be approaching some kind of language development. So far she's not said more than a couple of words but I feel like it's about to pick up as we're getting more sounds like she's trying to copy things we say.

She's cutting molars but meds wasn't making any difference to her going to sleep.
Yep she's completely lost the ability to self settle (although not at nap time?!) and she too has always been an IS unless in a ww (which she's not but what makes me think this could be something developmental)

Ok will just grin and bear it then,remain consistent and make sure there's a constant supply of wine in the fridge  ;) I always thought the 1st yr was meant to be the hardest but this yr is proving far more challenging and exhausting!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Where am I going wrong??? Completely confused these days!
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2014, 04:49:18 am »
It sounds like the language and teeth! Totally agree about 2nd year being harder  :o
Lol wine is my friend too.
Is she easier to get to sleep after the short or longer nap or us there no difference?x

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Where am I going wrong??? Completely confused these days!
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2014, 05:06:13 am »
Easier after the longer nap. She just won't sleep any longer when she's at the cm.
That never used to be a problem though and would come home completely shattered from there and would lie down and go straight to sleep but not anymore  ::)

In the 6 weeks holidays she's not at the cm and is being looked after by grandparents so I'm hoping with consistent better naps we may see an improvement at BT x

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Where am I going wrong??? Completely confused these days!
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2014, 05:33:33 am »
Could be the OT building up. My LO sleep varies at nursery depending on how noisy it is, we get EW on the very short nap days.
Fingers crossed it sorts itself out. Keep us posted x