Hi everyone
My lovely twin boys are 27 months old and I'm not sure if I should be further reducing their nap, capped at 1hr 15 currently or is this the time to go nap free arghhh! (I dread having no lunch break to do work!)
Our routine is:
7.00am wake up - I tend to wake them but sometimes they are awake for 30 mins or so singing and chatting.
1.00pm to 2.15pm nap. S is usually ready for his nap Z can vary from going straight to sleep to playing about for 45 mins.
7.30pm in bed. Usually S is asleep in 30 mins but Z is singing, thudding around and playing sometimes until 8.45pm. His brother has started singing along a bit too I've noticed these last few nights even though they are in separate rooms. Once Z is asleep at night he is generally a very good sleeper. Z tends to be grumpy at the end of nap time especially if he has been playing and only managed a 30 minute nap.
They are both teething molars and S still has the odd night where he cries out I think from teething discomfort.
I'm thinking I'll have to do the 1-0 transition with them both at the same time as I can't do staggered bedtimes as I'm often on my own at bedtime.
What sleep amount in total is ok at this age please and what's your thoughts on our routine and the evening performance routine

Thanks in advance
Jo x