If she wakes at 5 am, I do start the day at 6.00 instead. The hope is that she will eventually get herself to 6.30 - however, I am okay with 6 am. 2 days ago I actually just started her day at 6, and even though she was up at 5, I still put her for her nap at 9. She had 2 great naps, and a great night, but still woke at 5.15 this morning. However, with a replace of her soother and a gentle pat, she was back to bed. Now I had to do that twice, but in the end, she really WOKE for the day at 6!! I would call that wildly successful for one day of swapping for only 2 naps! Both yesterday and today, she has been getting really good 1.5-2 hr naps with NO settling at any time. Working up to this I was barely getting 45 mins out of her,,,,,poor thing wasn't even the least bit tired yet! I just hope that this is the start of a pattern that will help her continue with the good sleep habits and be the happy little camper that I had today.
Before switching her nap - I just went cold turkey - 2 naps only as soon as you refered me to that link - her days were totally erratic. She was napping maybe 45-1hr in the morning, another 45-1hr in the afternoon, and a small catnap in the late afternoon. It was ALL over the place, she was feeding either to sleep or once she was asleep. Now with the 2 naps, although we are currently on more of an: AEAS - she is eating an hour before going to sleep, so there is no nursing to sleep either! Oy, thank goodness for things like this so that poor FTMs can find this stuff out! And of course, I am sure that there are more tough days to come, but I feel like this is one situation that we have at least gotten a handle on, even if she still wakes up early. At least she is getting good sleep.