Author Topic: 22 mo awesome sleeper; regressed badly  (Read 1224 times)

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22 mo awesome sleeper; regressed badly
« on: July 12, 2014, 02:34:19 am »
Long story short: our son has been a pretty amazing sleeper from 10 months until a few weeks ago, when he was about 21 months old. My wife and I used Tracy's techniques to incredible effect, taking our fussy, OT'd baby and helping him become the incredible toddler he is today.
He's got a fairly consistent routine:
WU 6:30
Nap 12:30-2:30/3
BT 7:30

However, recent changes have played havoc with this pattern.
  • I was involved with a difficult school year that concluded earlier in mid-June. My parents visited to attend the graduation, which coincided with 2-3 extremely loud night wake-ups while they were here. A short pick up and put down resulted in him going back to sleep easily on his own.
  • Shortly after graduation, my wife went on vacation for three days, leaving him with me. I had no issue getting him to take his afternoon nap, but he began developing some evening bedtime resistance that I was able to work through by talking to him reasonably about it - it seemed like logic was actually working on a toddler! The night wakeups increased in frequency to 4-5 per night, and his resistance to being put down after being picked up increased noticeably.
  • After his mom came home, the night wakings went down considerably, but he was unable to settle himself at night.
  • We began to notice that he was chewing on his hand - while we can't feel them yet, I think his molars are coming in.
  • He was diagnosed with an ear infection immediately prior to traveling to my parent's house for a week. The infection has been resolved, but while we were there, the bedtime resistance increased to an unmanageable point. To avoid a family confrontation due to his crying, we allowed him to fall asleep on us and transferred him to his pack and play. One major night time waking occurred almost every night requiring my wife to again allow him to fall asleep on her.
  • I would not be surprised if he's having some nightmares. He woke up today after calling for his Nana in his sleep.
  • In addition to the increasing bedtime resistance, he's been difficult to put down for naps and has been waking up earlier (~ 5:30).

Obviously we've fallen into some accidental parenting strategies in an attempt to keep the peace with my folks. Now we need to unravel what we've done, while adjusting to his developmental leap(s). His language skills have grown exponentially; he's using short sentences whereas six weeks ago he only had a few words. He clearly manipulates bedtime by demanding another book, more water, his fingernails or toenails to be cut, etc. "No," "done," or "more" have become his favorite words, and have negated our ability to give him two acceptable choices since he refuses both of them. He's also begun demanding the "chair" instead of the crib prior to bed - he's obviously gotten used to being held to go to sleep.

The moment we attempt to put him down in his crib, he begins to wail like I've never heard before. It's especially hard to resist since he's using "mama" and "daddy." Since he has been sleeping so well up until now, I can't quite tell what an angry scream is vs. a truly upset one, so it's hard for me to pinpoint when an appropriate time is to do WI/WO, which is what my wife and I think is the best choice for the next few weeks.

What I'm hoping for is some reassurance that the WI/WO strategy outlined here WI/WO 22 month old is appropriate, or if some other approach is warranted. Appreciate the input and look forward to your advice.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: 22 mo awesome sleeper; regressed badly
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2014, 09:24:31 am »
Welcome to BW :)

Hugs on such a rough patch. Milestones, teething and illness all really effect LOs sleep unfortunately and this is quite the age for independence and stroppiness anyway (in our house anyway!)

First, WI/WO is your best method I think to re-teach Independent sleep if he was previously an IS before all this. It is difficult because they are LOUD, because they know what they want, and it's not to go to sleep without mummy (or whatever else it is they have as their current prop)
Hena has outlined WI/WO well in the post you have linked. Do you have any questions about WI/WO specifically? - are you confident (as much as you can be) that he is well. - ie ear infection cleared up.

It's fantastic you are communicating with him. On WI/WO day (and I recommend you start when you have a few days to support each other) I would simply explain that he will be going into his cot to sleep on his own again tonight. That mummy or daddy will come if he needs them but he will need to go to sleep in his bed etc.

Now your routine does look like it could use a tweak ;)
I think you can probably push that nap a touch later. 12.45 or 1pm and cap it at 2 hrs. 2 hrs is a good nap for a 22 mth old, and at this age to much day sleep can interfere with night sleep. So he may be resistant to sleep at bt because he isn't tired yk?

So your day would start to look like this
WU 6.30
Nap 12.45/1 for 2 hrs
BT 7-7.30 (I'd start maybe with 7/7.15 and see how he settles)

What do you think?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 09:27:08 am by ZacsMumme »

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Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: 22 mo awesome sleeper; regressed badly
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2014, 09:30:00 am »
I forgot to mention BT routine. We have to be firm but kind with our boys when they have periods wanting to drag out bt ;)

So our rule is 15 mins for books for my older one (he chooses) and if he mucks around during that time then his books time is reduced ie only time for 1 book. Our toddler I tend to just read 3 books and all books are short. You get a night or two of tantys but if you empathise but stay strong.
 Ie this is your last book for tonight ok, we will not be reading any more but you can have another one tomorrow. 'But I want more'
I know you want more, books are fun. We will read more tomorrow, let's snuggle in and read this one before bed.
(Read book)
It was a good one wasn't it, Ok it's time for bed now honey ....

With water etc I try to preempt it. So if we're having a patch of I'm thirsty right on bt I have the water bottle In the room ready yk.


DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.