Author Topic: Please help, just started EASY but won't take 7am or dream feed  (Read 1554 times)

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Offline Jodierobin

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Please please help! I'm on my first day of following the plan with my little boy who is 4 months old but I've hit a wall already. I fed him at 6:30  last night and he took 7oz, tried to dream feed at 10:30 but he wouldn't take a drop. Woke at his usual 2am took 2oz. I woke him at 6:50 and tried to feed at 7 but he won't take the bottle. He doesn't usually have milk until 8:30 but that's not the routine the book suggests and I need to stop him from doing this as I'm back to work in 12 weeks and he needs to be eating milk before I leave the house! There's nothing in the book about what to do about this so please help me  :(

Offline Lolly

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Re: Please help, just started EASY but won't take 7am or dream feed
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 11:42:11 am »
Ok, first of all don't panic! 12 weeks is a long time away for your baby and he won't be on the same routine by then anyway! If he isn't happy eating first thing can whoever he is going to while you work feed him when you get there?

The routines in the book are only suggestions, if your baby is on a different routine time wise it doesn't matter as the order of events eat/activity/sleep is the important bit. Can you post your routine as it is now and we will see if we can help!

Not all babies take to the DF, you can try it a bit earlier or later and see if you catch him at a different part of his sleep cycle and see if that helps. It was only 3 hours since his last feed though and at 4 months he really needs 4 hours so he may just not have been hungry enough.
