My LO is doing the exact same thing! Also 5.5 mo old. His A time is 2.5 hours and has thankfully turned into a better napper. His first one is now 1.5-2hrs. YAAAY! However, I just transitioned him to a 3.5 EAS which is waaaaay better than the 3 hr EAS. I think he could actually go for the 4hr since in the morning he will give me 2.5h A time, then a 1.5-2 hr nap.
Are you planning on weaning completely or just doing solids consistently?
My LO fusses if he isn't given something at mealtimes and loves, loves, loves any baby food I've put in his mouth. Its hard to wait until the 6mo point, so I let him have a tiny bit here and there.
Does your baby SttN? I just weaned off NF but he is waking 3+ times all the same.