Author Topic: Very frequent nursing -- how to start EASY?  (Read 1181 times)

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Offline MarsMomma

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Very frequent nursing -- how to start EASY?
« on: July 22, 2014, 19:21:47 pm »
I'm considering trying to get my 7-week-old breastfed son on a routine. The problem I'm having is how often he eats. It's usually about every 1.5 hours. If I try to stretch him longer than that, he becomes extremely fussy, cries, and won't settle down until I give in and let him suck. He refuses a pacifier. I try to make sure he gets a "full feed" every time, but he still has what seems like a very strong need to suck for comfort. How can I get him to go longer between feeds?

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 19:32:03 pm by MarsMomma »

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Very frequent nursing -- how to start EASY?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 14:13:48 pm »
It sounds like as you've recognised what he's wanting after 1.5h is not another feed per se, but to suck to soothe himself for a sleep because he's got a bit overtired (average A time at his age might be up to 1h15).  That's not an issue at all if you're ok with it, but one of the main principles of EASY is to avoid feeding to sleep as it can become an unhelpful sleep association as LO gets older.  I'd probably suggest that you feed on waking, do a very small amount of low-key activity and then try to settle him for a sleep by round about the hour point after first waking.  You can try shh pat in his crib, or for now (given he is very little) you may decide that you want that sleep to be in the pram/car/your arms - it's up to you.  I suspect if you can do that and avoid him getting to the point of being OT then you may have less of a fight on your hands and can then feed him when he next wakes.  What do you think?

Offline henrysmomma

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Re: Very frequent nursing -- how to start EASY?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2014, 02:57:15 am »
This was my exact problem with my son (kiddo #1) and EASY was definitely the answer to our prayers!  Once your lo realizes that you are helping him settle and sleep it will fall into place. I would give shh/pat a good try. You might be surprised at how quickly he responds!

My two week old refuses a pacifier unless she is overtired. The swaddle/paci combo just might work. Be confident in your working with him and good luck! Trust me, this is worth the effort and the work; having a child that independently sleeps is literally the best thing about parenthood. A well rested baby/child is, I feel, more content and we get the comments all the time that our little man is so settled and peaceful.

Congrats on your little sweet checks and best wishes on your getting started with EASY.

Offline MarsMomma

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Re: Very frequent nursing -- how to start EASY?
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2014, 01:56:11 am »
Hi there, just an update -- a happy one!

You were both right. He was overtired and wanting to suck in order to fall asleep. I've been able to get him to sleep on his own (without nursing) in his crib and it has worked wonders. I feel like I have a different baby! EASY is actually starting to work for us. He's now going around 2.5 hrs between feeds and things are falling into place.


Offline jessmum46

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Re: Very frequent nursing -- how to start EASY?
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2014, 07:24:40 am »
;D great update!