A friend recommended the EASY sleep method to me, so Ive been trying to get my LO (9 weeks, but 3 weeks early) to take to it. Today, he followed the schedule perfectly!
7 AM wake feed activity
8:30 nap
10:00 Eat activity
11:30 nap
1:00 Eat activity
2:30 Nap
4:00 Eat
5: catnap
6:30 Eat
7:00 Bath
7:30 Bed time
Not to mention, he ate a record day, which I hoped would keep him satisfied at night. Lo eats every 2 hours, not 3 hours like the schedule, but still sleeps/activity as scheduled.
WELL - everything was perfect until he woke up at 830 PM, and now its almost 11, and he wont go back to sleep . My DH takes the evening shift, so he ofcourse is demoralized, because he's been trying to get a baby that doesnt want to sleep, to sleep for the last two hours. I told him that no matter, we need keep him in sleep mode, and not bring him downstairs. But ofcourse, he feels like his evening was spent fighting a losing battle, and would prefer to have just let LO play until he got tired again.
What am I doing wrong? I thought if I followed this schedule perfectly, he would atleast stay asleep for atleast a few hours. Should I have just brought LO downstairs, so he could hang out until he was tired again? Even after 9PM?