Author Topic: 9 week old wakes up 1 hour after bedtime  (Read 1033 times)

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9 week old wakes up 1 hour after bedtime
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:03:07 am »
A friend recommended the EASY sleep method to me, so Ive been trying to get my LO (9 weeks, but 3 weeks early) to take to it. Today, he followed the schedule perfectly!

7 AM wake feed activity
8:30 nap
10:00 Eat activity
11:30 nap
1:00 Eat activity
2:30 Nap
4:00 Eat
5: catnap
6:30 Eat
7:00 Bath
7:30 Bed time

Not to mention, he ate a record day, which I hoped would keep him satisfied at night. Lo eats every 2 hours, not 3 hours like the schedule, but still sleeps/activity as scheduled.

WELL - everything was perfect until he woke up at 830 PM, and now its almost 11, and he wont go back to sleep . My DH takes the evening shift, so he ofcourse is demoralized, because he's been trying to get a baby that doesnt want to sleep, to sleep for the last two hours. I told him that no matter, we need keep him in sleep mode, and not bring him downstairs. But ofcourse, he feels like his evening was spent fighting a losing battle, and would prefer to have just let LO play until he got tired again. 

What am I doing wrong? I thought if I followed this schedule perfectly, he would atleast stay asleep for atleast a few hours. Should I have just brought LO downstairs, so he could hang out until he was tired again? Even after 9PM?

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 9 week old wakes up 1 hour after bedtime
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 05:40:48 am »
Hi, do you think LO could be having a growth spurt? Did DH feed whilst upstairs, was DS crying and unsettled or just awake? Personally I might have brought LO downstairs as a whole evening spent alone in a room trying to get LO to sleep would have been a bit much for me.
If he's 6 weeks adjusted age he's still quite little, and there is a lot goes on for them in those first few weeks.
Your not doing anything wrong hun sometimes you can the most perfect day but then night is bad and vice versa...that's just babies for you! x

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 9 week old wakes up 1 hour after bedtime
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 05:59:35 am »
Sorry realised he's 9 weeks corrected age....still little though (toddler distracting me)  :)