My exclusively breastfed 3 month old (13 weeks) daughter has started refusing feeds at 3 hour intervals and seems to do best at 3.5-4 hour. But she can't stay awake for 2 hours (it's a struggle to make it to 1 hr 45 min) and has very inconsistent naps after the morning one. For the morning nap she'll often sleep 2 1/2 - 2 hr 45 min, thus getting to the 4 hour feed interval. She's then up for 1hr 20-1 hr 45 min but for the next nap she rarely sleeps more than 45 minutes so she's up way before it's time to eat and then is exhausted by the time she eats (sometimes it's been 2 hours since she woke) and then sleeps right after eating and is up way before the next feeding. I would just stick with the 3hr EASY for now but she refuses to eat or else does and spits it all up. Anyone else dealing with this? Any advice on how to get a consistently longer 2nd nap and on a 4hr EASY? Is it too early for her to be at a 4 hour EASY?