Author Topic: 2 week old, second time round and desperate to get it right! please help  (Read 1142 times)

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Offline josie30

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Hi, DD2 is now 2 weeks old and we are really keen to get started on EASY as early as possible as we didn't discover it until much later with DD1. I have read in the book and on here not to expect too much at this age but am unsure as to what I should be doing.

DD2 is feeding very randomly- sometimes 2.5/3 hrs between feeds (formula fed) but then in this hot weather she has at times only been 1.5/2 hrs, trying to keep her awake for A time is a real struggle and I'm worried she's going to start being up all night.

would really appreciate some advice from others who have similar age children or who have started this early as I'm not sure how hard to push her to stay awake and to leave longer between feeds (I have tried but I don't agree with letting them get to the point of screaming hysterically)  or if I'm just expecting too much too soon?

Offline Buttonbobs

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If you are BFing then I would expect her to need really regular feeds at this point. One of things we all feel sure Tracey would have revisited if she were here today would be the BFing advice, particularly in the early days.

I don't think you're crazy to start as you mean to go on, but perhaps focus on keeping the E away from the S and having an EAS pattern generally, and don't worry too much about the actual timings. BW is mainly about following your LOs needs and at this point doing whatever you need to have a good rest during any sleep time there is.

Have you read this:
Getting started - how I survived the first 3 months

Starting EASY with a newborn-What to Expect

Let us know if you need any more guidance
~ Naomi ~

Offline jessmum46

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Hi and congratulations :). I'm just popping on to offer some support as I have a fairly new LO too - DS is 8 weeks.  I can totally sympathise with the feeling of wanting to 'get it right'!  Naomi has given you some great advice though and I very much agree it's about keeping expectations low at this stage.

I'm trying to keep in mind that DS is still so tiny, and that a stable predictable routine and independent sleep very much come with time.  It's been helpful for me to think of it in 'baby steps' of what we're trying to achieve, with an idea of where we want to be in a few months time.

So things we've aimed for so far:
- learning cues
- trying to avoid feeding to sleep so having some A after E, even if the day frequently looks like EASAS or EA(no sleep)E, short A,S
- starting a BT routine and putting DS down awake at BT
- avoiding OT as best we can - less successful!!
- more recently, trying for one nap in the crib each day - getting more successful, but still not happening daily

I wouldn't worry about keeping her awake at 2 weeks old.  She probably only has an A time of 45 mins or so including eating so really there isn't much time for any sort of activity other than a nappy change.  That will change a lot in the next few weeks so just follow her lead and let her sleep when she needs to.  And certainly if she is clearly hungry don't try to force her to wait to be fed until a particular time.  I've found it helpful though just to keep in the back of my mind that I know if LO has taken a good feed, and is crying an hour later, it's probably less likely to be hunger and more likely to be tiredness if he hasn't slept.  But if in doubt, offer a feed.  When A times lengthen a little and you're not in the newborn haze, then hopefully the cues will become a little clearer and you'll be more confident in knowing when to feed and when not to :)

Offline josie30

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thanks ladies, really good advice and great articles thanks Naomi

Offline henrysmomma

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I too have a one week old newborn and am desperate to get it right. I have a very chill angel baby as of right now (compared lovingly to my 2yo son who was verrrryyyy touchy at this stage) and have felt like I have won the lottery with three hour naps consistently! I am finding that if she gets OT she wants to snack (eat to sleep) as that is what she knows right now.

 It's amazing how my breast milk supply is more than sufficient when feeding every 2.5-3 hours vs the every 45 minutes we did with my son. Interesting how hindsight is 20/20!

 Thank you for the advice! Best wishes to you on your lo and congrats!!!