Of course. And you will get there, and it will all be better for it.
I didn't see your bit about dropping the feed. I have just stopped BFing as I will have to start travelling for work soon so I wanted the girls to get used to no BF before there was no BF and no mummy at the same time. But it was horribly sad, and I am still a bit sad about it. But things that helped me were building in a special cuddle before bed where we read a story and cuddle really close, and remembering that BFing is just a part of being a mum, and that now they are older we have so many more ways to show our love - cuddles, songs, stories, pancakes for breakfast, trips to the swings.....and so I did all of those things for a bit, cried a lot....and got roaring drunk one night for the first time in about 2 years!! 😄 I'm here if you want to talk about it though. It is sad, but it's a lovely thing to have done for both of you, and you have given little G such a good start!