DD is 27 months old. Our NORMAL routine is up at 7/7:30am nap 1-3 and bedtime 8:30pm. It's been that way for MONTHS. Well now, I am waking her up at 7:30-8am, she is hard to get up. I'm playing with her nap.... I've tried waking her up early (same nap time just shorter nap) and early nap plus early wake up. (But I think that will only work as long as she stays up late at night) Today she fell asleep about 12:45 and I woke her up at 2:30. Either way, she doesn't want to wake up from her nap, she's too tired. But by 8:30 she's ready to party... In fact, it's 10:40pm here and I think she just now fell asleep.
There have been a couple times recently, once last week, where she flat out refused to nap. She was asleep before I was finished singing to her at about 7:30pm but she woke from 4-4:50am but went back to sleep until 7:30am.
She went to 1 nap before she turned one, and that fixed her sleep issues, frequent NW & 45 minute naps. (Other than the one created by me
but that is fixed now too (A lot of hard work)
So is this an age thing? A low sleep needs thing? A power struggle thing? Or a problem with her schedule?
Please help!!