Thanks for all the comments. I have been rocking lo back to sleep after his1st cycle for two naps today. So he doesn't need my boobs for that
I also tried w2s but unsuccessful. I also have been sticking to a 2.5 or 3hr feeding interval, even though it means that feeding is out of sync with sleeping. But he does take more milk this way. I think we have some progress.
I think his nighttime wakings has similar problem: want to be rocked back to sleep. Last night he woke up every2hours and two 1.5 hours. I fed him back yo sleep. When he woke up again at 5am, he barely took anything. I have been feeding him back to sleep for this long time, stupid... I will try rocking tonight and see how it goes. I have couple of questions:
Would it cause more problem now if I start rocking him back to sleep during the night? Would he wake up more often?
Secondly, I will start trying ssh/pat instead of rocking in my arms first, like pp suggested. If he starts cry, I would rock a bit until he calms down and then continue the sash/pat. Would this work? Also how long do you think this transition would start to work? A week? Do I need to do it during his nap wakings and nightly wakings as well? Or should I keep rocking for nighttime until naps are good?